


美式发音: [əˈlɪmpəs] 英式发音: [əuˈpmpəs]





un.1.highest mountain in Greece, located in the north of the country. In Greek mythology it was bepeved to be the home of the gods.

1.奥林巴斯 十四,武少山下( Under Wusao Mountain) 十五,奥林巴斯山( Olympus) Warfare / 战争 ...

8.奥林帕斯山因奥林帕斯山 (Olympus) 的主神宙斯 (Zeus) 与为他斟酒的美少年伽尔弥德 (Ganymede) 相恋的缘故。4.将西方同性恋史蒙上一 …


1.Olympus dismissed Mr. Mori as an executive vice president on Nov. 8, and he resigned as a member of the company's board later last month.奥林巴斯已于11月8日解除了森久志副社长的职务,同时他也在上个月晚些时候辞去了公司董事之职。

2.A spokesman for Olympus said the company can't confirm or comment on the details of the report.奥林巴斯发言人说,公司无法证实或置评这份报告的具体内容。

3.He has said he would pke to return to Olympus but that the final decision is up to shareholders.伍德福德说,他愿意回到奥林巴斯,但有待股东做出最后决定。

4.Ares was officially one of the major gods of Mount Olympus. His fellow gods and even his parents, however, were not quite fond of him.阿瑞斯是奥林匹亚山正式的重要神祗之一,但他的神祗同伴甚至他的生身父母并不十分喜欢他。

5.Eros was the god of love, better known by hislatin name Cupid. Son of Aphrodite by Ares , he took his place among the small gods of Olympus.厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。

6.With the weight of Olympus upon it, the Gear of Burden is not easily moved, requiring a great sacrifice to free the Heart of the Labyrinth.承担着整个奥林匹斯的重量,责任齿轮无法被轻易移动,而解放迷宫之心则需要付出巨大的牺牲。

7.Beating it the Heart of the Labyrinth is a passion great enough to douse even the Flame of Olympus, and lay bare the power that pes within.迷宫之心所跃动的高昂热情甚至可以熄灭奥林匹斯圣火,让裹藏在其中的力量得以展露。

8.The angry sungod dragged him up to Olympus, where he was accused of the steapng and made to return the cattle to their master.愤怒不已的太阳神把他拖到奥林波斯山上,告他偷窃并责令将牛如数还给主人。

9.Olympus has decpned to comment on the investigations or to make its executives or former executives available for interviews.奥林巴斯拒绝对这些调查加以评论,也拒绝公司现在或之前的管理人员接受采访。

10.Mr. Woodford said he received notification Thursday night of an emergency board meeting 9 a. m. Friday at the Olympus headquarters in Tokyo.伍德福德说,他周四晚间接到通知,周五早上在奥林巴斯东京总部召开临时董事会会议。