




1.在周六上午 少量学生 A few students 在周六上午 On Saturday morning 去散步 To go for a walk ...

2.在星期六早上 上周末 last weekend 在星期六早上 on Saturday morning 看望某人 visit sb ...

3.在周六的早上 上周末 last weekend 在周六的早上 on Saturday morning 拜访我的叔叔 visit my uncle ...

4.星期六上午 ... 7. 上个周末 last weekend 8. 星期六上午 on Saturday morning 9. 星期天下午 on Sunny afternoon ...

5.在星期六的早晨 ... 9.practice Engpsh: 练习英语 12.on Saturday morning在星期六的早晨 13.a talk show: 一个谈话节 …

6.在星期六的早上 go to sleep 去睡觉 on Saturday morning 在星期六的早上 for a long time 长时间 ...

7.在周六早上 7.去海滩 go to the beach 8.在周六早上 on saturday morning 9.打网球 play tennis ...


1.We set out on Saturday morning, armed with the name of a grand old coffee place.我们在周六上午动身,去寻一个有着显赫古老名字的咖啡馆。

2.Opening the curtains in my room on the 23rd floor of the Ritz Carlton on Saturday morning, I wasn't so sure this had been a good plan.一个周六的早晨,当我拉开自己在丽兹-卡尔顿(Ritz-Carlton)酒店23层房间的窗帘,心里有点动摇,吃不准这样安排好不好。

3.I had a busy and meaningful weekend. On Saturday morning, I got up early because my parents and I decided to go to the Summer Palace.我度过了一个很忙很有意义的周末。周六早晨我起得很早,因为我父母和我决定去颐和园。

4.Granny is going to leave on Saturday morning.奶奶打算星期六上午走。

5.Approximately 1, 500 people signed up to court arrest during the two-week action outside the White House, which begins on Saturday morning.白宫外,于周六上午开始的为时两周的抗议活动中,大概有1,500人被逮捕。

6.On Saturday morning, she car-pooled with her friends to get back to her home in Omotesando.上周六上午,Samtani和她的朋友搭伙拼车回到自己在表参道(Omotesando)的家。

7.I only found out for certain that I was in the squad on Saturday morning but it was completely unexpected.周六早上我才确信自己进入了名单中,太出乎意料了。

8.It meant that waking up and exploring on Saturday morning was all the more exciting.但这也使星期六早上醒来到外面游逛更有兴奋感。

9.On Saturday morning, I could hardly wait to see him.星期六的早上,我迫不及待想见到他。

10.On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room, because his mother was very angry wish his dirty room.星期六早上,他清理他的房间,因为他的妈妈非常生气希望他的肮脏的房间。