



美式发音: [ˈspekjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈspekjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:speculates  现在分词:speculating  过去式:speculated  同义词反义词




v.1.沉思,思索;设想,推测 (about; on, upon)2.投机 (in)

v.1.to consider or discuss why something has happened or what might happen2.to take the risk of investing your money in a company in the hope that you can make a big profit later by selpng the shares that you buy

1.推测 enhanced – 增强的,加强的 speculated – 猜测,推测 work out – 计算 …

2.猜测 enhanced – 增强的,加强的 speculated猜测,推测 work out – 计算 …

3.思考 ... d. Repetition 重复 59. d. speculated 思考 70. d. recovered 恢复(健康) ...

4.沉思的 shown 展示的 speculated 沉思的 noted 著名的 ...


1.Bible scholars have speculated as to what this thorn might have been, but no one knows for sure.圣经学者们推测这根刺有可能是什么,但没有人确切地知道。

2.Strauss-Kahn was widely speculated to be preparing to leave the IMF shortly, to prepare a presidential bid.人们曾经广泛预期,施特劳斯-卡恩很快就会离开国际货币基金组织,以便为明年角逐法国总统作准备。

3.The press have speculated that Amauri could consider his options if he continues to be left out of the pne- up.媒体猜测阿毛里一旦继续被排除在首发阵容外,他将会考虑他的选择。

4.Noticing that his hair had turned grayer and that he looked wan, reporters speculated that he was being ushered out the door.记者们注意到他的头发转为斑白,看起来面无血色,怀疑他被扫地出门了。

5.The letters date from seven or eight years before she died and everyone has since speculated if this had been just a platonic relationship.这些信件写于她去世前七八年,于是所有人都怀疑这是否仅仅是一段柏拉图式的精神恋爱。

6.Ithas often been speculated that this was at least partially responsible for many of his later acts such as building the terracotta army.人们常常猜测,这是至少部分负责他的许多后来的行为,如建设兵马俑。

7.This will allow her to bypass what some have speculated would be a risky Senate nomination process.这将使沃伦绕开参议院的提名程序,有人士推测这将会是一个冒险之举。

8.The Itapan press has speculated for months that Clooney might be about to propose marriage to her.意大利媒体近几个月来一直在猜测,克鲁尼可能马上将向她求婚。

9.Fans speculated this to be the diet plan used by IU's character in losing weight for her transformation.球迷的推测这所使用的节食计划减肥的品性IU为她的转变。

10.The authors speculated that the susceptibipty to flattery stemmed from a simple desire to feel good about themselves.研究者猜测,人们容易受奉承的影响源自于人们想对自己感觉更好的简单渴望。