




1.在船上 ... 20.在太阳下 under the sun 21.在船上 on the ship 22.在天空 in the sky ...

2.在轮船上图片 小船图片 Boats 在轮船上图片 On the ship 使轮船搁浅图片 Stranded Shi…

3.在飞船上 ... CONTACT PERSON SPEAKS: 地面接触人员说话: On the Ship 在飞船上 MYTRE SPEAKS:…

4.乘坐邮轮 ... UNIT 3 Losing Baggage 行李遗失 UNIT 2 On the Ship 乘坐邮轮 UNIT 5 The Customs Examination 海关 …


1.All were awake on the ship. She saw the prince with his pretty young wife. They were looking for her.在那条船上,人们都睡着了,她看见王子和他年轻的妻子在寻找她。

2.With assistance and no pttle personal charm he acquired a coffee tree which he took with him on the ship back.靠着他人的帮助以及他过人的个人魅力,他弄到了一棵咖啡树,并把它带到了船上。

3.There had been fuel on the ship, but this did not appear to have caused the fire, and pttle smoke was produced.船上有一些燃料,但看来并不是燃料引起火灾的,而且几乎没有产生烟。

4.The drawback of staying on the ship seemed to grow as I thought about how wrong it was to treat Captain Bpgh in this way.留在船舶上的缺点似乎成长,我想到它是这样对待布莱船长错误。

5.There haven't been any reports of any kinds of break on the ship, but the doctor says the infection may not show up for couple weeks.现在还没有任何关于船上疫病的报告,但医生表示这种感染在两个星期内可能不会显现。

6.At night, when everyone on the ship was sleeping, the sea princess sat and looked down into the sea.夜里,船上的人都睡了,海公主坐在那儿,俯视着海水。

7.a bridge gives a better sense of scale on the ship It is advised to place the bridge on the top and near the back of the ship.舰桥能赋予船身以更好的比例感。建议把舰桥置于船后半部分的顶部。

8.She did not really come to until she was on the ship crossing from Dover to Ostend.直到登上多佛到奥斯坦德的渡轮,她才缓过神来。

9.The 20-year-old hazelnut clarity, calm on the ship, except for a few small fish, and reflection of the mountains around the meditation.榛名湖平静清澈,湖面上除了几艘捕鱼的小船,便是四周山峦的倒影,堪称静心避暑的好去处。

10.But there was one strange thing: he feared there wasn't enough food on the ship.但有一件怪事:他总担心船上没有足够的食物。