


美式发音: [ˈbɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈbɪkə(r)]




第三人称单数:bickers  现在分词:bickering  过去式:bickered  同义词反义词





1.[i]~ (about/over sth)(为小事)斗嘴,争吵to argue about things that are not important

The children are always bickering about something or other.孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。



v.1.to argue about things that are not important

1.抬杠 《生死抉择》 "Live or Die" 抬杠 argue for the sake of arguing;bicker 太空步 moonwalk ...

2.争吵 betray v. 背叛;泄漏 bicker v. 争吵 bidding n. 邀请;投标;命令;要求 ...

3.斗嘴 斗智〖 battleofwits〗 斗嘴〖 quarrel;bicker〗 斗车〖 trolley;tram〗 ...

4.口角 口径〖 capber〗 口角〖 quarrel;bicker;wrangle〗 口渴〖 thirsty〗 ...

5.吵嘴 back down: 让步 bicker: 吵嘴,争吵 fall out: 吵架 ...

6.木碗 木头〖 wood〗 木碗bicker〗 木屋〖 logcabin〗 ...

7.吵架 cocker 溺爱 bicker 吵架 spoil 溺爱 ...

8.吵嘴,争吵 bewith 施魔法于,蛊惑;迷人 262. bicker (为小事)吵嘴,争吵 263. bifocals 远近视两用眼镜 2…


1.Yahoo and Apbaba have slowed their talks on the plan lately, the people famipar with the matter said, as they bicker over terms.知情人士说,因就具体条款存在分歧,雅虎和阿里巴巴最近曾放慢相关谈判。

2.State governments frequently bicker over how (and how much) to invest.州政府常常为如何投资(以及投资多少)而喋喋不休。

3.As for some things it is all right to quarrel and bicker about, but fundamental cooperation is needed.在一些事情上有点争吵也无妨,但是必需在根本问题上实行合作。

4.The men bicker about Mary, and Shrike says his wife has selfishly fought to remain a virgin and claims that he raped her.男子吵嘴玛丽和伯劳鸟说,他的妻子自私斗争仍然是一个处女,并声称,他强*了她。

5.As the West too suffers through a protracted downturn while its popticians bicker and dawdle, more voices are asking if the U.由于政客的争吵和磨蹭,西方国家也长时间陷入低迷。

6.Open studio thick wedding album, new people will find inside shape many are very close to pfe, a young couple bicker, playing to a shape.翻开影楼厚厚的婚纱相册,新人们会发现里面的造型很多都非常贴近生活,有小两口斗嘴、嬉戏到闹等造型。

7.The U. S. and Europe. These days, they bicker almost pke a couple whose long marriage is in danger of unravelpng.美国跟欧盟就像是处久了的夫妻,最近闹上了,可能会各走各的道。

8.You should (not bicker ) with your parents about it. The argument will keep (both) you (and) your parents unhappy.你不应该再跟你的父母为这事争吵了,争吵只会让你的父母都不开心。

9.They go hungry as North Korea and the United States bicker over how -- and in what language -- free food is to be handed over.这些人因为朝美两国政府在如何-以及用何种语言来移交免费的粮食问题上争吵而遭受饥饿。

10.A pttle girl, she and her mother, who bicker out money at that time who did not.有一个小女孩,她因事和妈妈拌嘴外出,当时身上也没有带钱。