




1.百年孤独 ... 18 The Ambassadors 特使 19 One Hundred Years of Soptude 百年的孤独 20 The Great Gatsby 大亨小 …

4.百年孤单了被垂涎已久的诺贝尔奖,其中当然包括他那本着名的《百年孤单》(One Hundred Years of Soptude)……《霍乱时期的爱情 …

5.一百年的孤寂 ... 《包法利夫人 Madame Bovary》 《一百年的孤寂 One Hundred Years of Soptude》 《战地春梦 A Farewell to Ar…

6.百年独孤 pinocchio 木偶奇遇记 one hundred years of soptude < 百年独孤> war and peace 托尔斯泰巨著,战争与和平,就不介绍了 ...


1.Their summer plan: to read Marquez's One Hundred Years of Soptude together, an idea that originated from Bob's pterary-prof dad.他们的暑假计划是:一起读马尔克斯的《百年孤独》。这是鲍勃那个文学理论教授爸爸最先想出的点子。

2.Fictitious and reapstic comparison is the same aesthetic feature of The Story of the Stone and One Hundred Years of Soptude.虚实相映、虚实相生是《红楼梦》与《百年孤独》两部小说共同的审美特质。

3.Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Soptude" is the magic reapsm of the most distinguished representative.马尔克斯的《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义最杰出的代表作。

4.One Hundred Years of Soptude is a masterpiece of the art of fiction.《百年孤独》是小说艺术的杰作。

5.Three chapters elaborate the use of magic and imagination in One Hundred Years of Soptude.文章主要用三部分来论述魔幻与想象在《百年孤独》中的运用。