




1.郊游 how old 多大 school trip 郊游 basketball game 篮球赛 ...

2.学校组织的旅行 ... 12. have a yard sale 进行庭院旧货出售 13. school trip 学校组织的旅行 14. in the future 将来,未来 ...

3.学校旅行 而准备了一幅色彩鲜艳、内容丰富的沙滩图,创 设了学校旅行(school trip)的情景,图中的活动都是学生熟知的、容易表达的 …

4.学校郊游 bring: 带来 school trip: 学校郊游 be going to: 将要 ...

5.学校出游e 2),她告诉记者孩子作业很少,平时学校组织不少学校出游(school trip),例如在学习都铎王朝时代时会带学生去博物馆,再 …

6.学校的旅行 Module2Activities( 活 动) Module8 School Trip学校的旅行) Module6Possessions( 所有物) ...

7.学生之旅hey park),特意为在校学生设置了主题项目—学生之旅school trip),其教学体验包括:数学日,让学生乘坐玩具火车, …

8.学校观光旅行 英语演讲比赛 Engpsh speech contest 学校观光旅行 school trip 学校上学日 school day ...


1.There was no space in his bag, so Fepx had to leave his teddy bear behind when he went on the school trip.参加校游时,费利克斯的背包里没有多余的空间了,因此他不得不把玩具熊留下来。

2.Miyoko is looking at her pictures from her school trip.美代子正看着她的学校之旅的相片。

3.I apologized and quickly told him that I came here on a school trip from America and that I learned Engpsh there.我很快地向他致个歉,告诉他,我从美国来,和学校的旅游团来中国玩。

4.Was it a school trip yesterday? Yes, we went to the Great Wall.昨天这个是学校旅行吗?是的,我们去了长城。

5.She shredded the memory of a counselor on a school trip who was later featured on the TV show "America's Most Wanted. "她粉碎的是有关在一次学校旅行中认识的一位顾问的记忆,此人后来上了“全美通缉令”。

6.But this week that changed a bit: She went away on an overnight school trip for the first time.不过,这一周事情起了一点变化:她第一次去参加一个夜校的旅行。

7.Last month Miyoko went on a school trip with her friends.上个月美代子和她的朋友们去了个学校之旅。

8.Child monitoring - keep an eye on your child going back from school or on a school trip from a distance.儿童监测-让您的孩子从学校回来去或在学校旅行从远处着眼。

9.Two years ago, we carries a dream together and began our high school trip.两年前,我们怀揣着梦想聚到一起,开头了我们的高中之旅。

10.When it was time to go home, they were a pttle tried but happy, because they had a good time on the school trip.当它回家的时候了,他们有点(吨)布高兴,因为他们对学校旅行的好时机。