




1.向前一步 ... Squat down. 蹲下。 25) One step forward. 向前一步。 26) Dress right. 向右看。 28…

2.走一步 ... But we are,we are 但是我们有,我们有 One step forward,making two steps back 走一步,退两步 My oh my 我 是 …

3.一步前进 Madness 疯狂 One Step Forward 前进一步 48 Hours of Go 20 果20的48小时 ...

5.再楞向凭前一偶步皱枣出囊谍括善西邀班牙4呛座团大壕奖提丙名的影样集《再楞向凭前一偶步皱》(One Step Forward省)葵,琅角孙色虽嵌小 …

6.向前跨一步 ... We are 我们有 One step forward,making two steps back 向前跨一步,却倒退了两 …

7.海阔天空 ... ( BOP ) 舞个不停 (初) ( One Step Forward ) 海阔天空 (初/中) ( High Test Love ) 爱的真谛 (初/中) ...

8.再向前一步2002年他演出囊括西班牙4座大奖提名的影集【再向前一步】(One Step Forward),角色虽小却以俊俏外表引起了瞩目,并 …


1.But, this is not just a one step forward update. No, it's a giant leap to a new kind of Linux desktop thanks to its Unity desktop interface.但这不仅仅是一次更新,由于使用了新的桌面环境Unity,这是Linux桌面的一次巨大飞跃。

2.That's one step forward for the endangered species at a time when the news has been relentlessly grim.在中国传出有关老虎境遇的悲惨新闻之时,此举对于保护老虎这一濒危物种而言,无疑是一大进步。

3.CM: One step forward and two steps back is truer of human civipzation than would be readily admitted by most.向前一步,向后两步是人类文明更真实的写照,比起大部分人容易接受的说法而言。

4.Men in the front row take one step forward.前排的士兵向前一步。

5.One step forward for health reform. But even if they reach the finishing pne, the Democrats face trouble in next year's mid-terms.离医疗改革迈进了一步。但即使到了终点,民主党还要面对来年忧虑重重的中期选举。

6.Also on the menu is 'One Step Forward One Step Back', created for Liverpool's Angpcan Cathedral based on Dante's Divine Comedy.在目录上的“前一步后一步”,是以但丁神曲为基准,为利物浦圣公会所创立。

7.One step forward, be close to ethics.靠前一步、贴近文明。

8.But I took a stip, just one step forward.但是我往前走了一步,仅仅一步。

9.One step forward! Three steps backward!向前一步——走!退后三步——走!

10.Oslo in one step forward for Software Factory.Oslo是迈向软件工厂的一步。