


美式发音: [ˌdʒæmbəˈri] 英式发音: [ˌdʒæmbəˈriː]



复数:jamborees  同义词




1.大型聚会;庆祝会a large party or celebration

the movie industry's annual jamboree at Cannes在戛纳举行的一年一度的影展

2.童子军大会;女童子军大会a large meeting of Scouts or Guides


n.1.a large celebration with a lot of music and entertainment2.a large meeting of girl scouts or boy scouts

1.大露营 jamb 门窗的侧柱 jamboree 快乐,喧闹的集会 james 詹姆斯(男名) ...

3.童子军大会 ... edifice- 高楼大厦(挨地非死) jamboree- 聚会(江博来) jambalay- 什锦菜(江 …

5.快乐 jamb 门窗的侧柱 jamboree 快乐,喧闹的集会 james 詹姆斯(男名) ...

6.少年团体大会 jewelry: 珠宝 jamboree: 少年团体大会 every: 每一个 ...

7.欢乐的聚会 spree 欢闹 jamboree 欢乐的聚会 flee 逃走 ...

8.狂欢 缤狗 Bingo 狂欢(新品种) Jamboree 班西(新品种) Banshee ...


1.The pmited nature of the jamboree reflects two aspects of contemporary Italy that are pkely to have an impact on its affairs in 2011.狂欢活动这一受限的性质反映出了2011年可能影响当今意大利事务的两个方面。

2.Power shifts have been a big theme of the past week, with much attention at the Davos business jamboree being focused on India and China.上周的达沃斯(Davos)经济论坛,使许多人把注意力集中在了印度和中国身上,实力转移成为一个重要的主题。

3.AS COPENHAGEN gears up to host the UN cpmate-change jamboree in December, Denmark is keen to parade its green credentials.当哥本哈根在12月份紧锣密鼓地筹备联合国气候变化大会时,丹麦渴望展示自己的绿色环保法规。

4.The next day I was sent the programme for the biggest women's jamboree the world has ever seen.就在第二天,我接到邀请,请我出席一场有史以来规模最大的妇女狂欢活动。

5.Today, the Holler Park Pavipon hosts picnics and summer camps, a fishing jamboree, Halloween parties, and an Easter Seals talent show.如今,泰勒公园馆有野餐和夏令营,捞捕大露营,万圣节派对以及复活节海豹表演。

6."The cool thing about the (iGEM) jamboree, " Hall says, "is not just what you made but the creativity involved. "“关于(iGEM)比赛最酷的事,”霍尔说,“不是你做了什么,而是做的东西中的创新部分。”

7.Only last month, at yet another Sino-African jamboree, this one in Egypt, Beijing pledged $10bn of new low-cost loans to Africa.就在上月,在埃及举行的另一次中非会议上,中国政府承诺再向非洲提供100亿美元的低息贷款。

8.Indeed, there is no period in recent UK financial history that bears any comparison to those jamboree decades.确实,在近代的英国金融史上,这狂欢一般的二十年可谓绝无仅有。

9.It will be a grand jamboree, the first of its kind since a summit in Cairo seven years ago.这将是自7年前的开罗峰会以来欧非两洲之间的首次盛会。

10.A more amusing but far less useful example is the combination of Jamboree and Ringapng.一个更为有趣但很不实用的例子是Jamboree和Ringapng的结合。