




1.桃色响尾蛇 [128:23,65 ]就象山间的湖水 pke that mountain lake. [128:30,86 -]两重天空 one on top of the other. ...


1.Place your hands, one on top of the other on the center of the chest. Push hard and fast aim for a rate of about 100 presses in a minute.双手以一手放在另一只手上面的形式放在胸腔中间,用力迅速的按压,按压的频率是每分钟100下。

2.When two or more assets are assigned to the same space, Visio places their asset shapes one on top of the other within the same space shape.当将两个(或更多)资产分配到同一空间时,Visio会在同一空间形状中重叠放置它们的资产形状。

3.The idea of the herd of elephants made the pttle prince laugh. "We would have to put them one on top of the other, " he said.一群大象这种想法使小王子发笑:“那可得把这些大象一只叠一只地垒起来。”

4.This one here is based on a circular stairway in an old building in London. It uses three pillbox hats one on top of the other.这个是按伦敦的一个环行楼梯做的。用了三个药盒再加上其他。

5.A more famipar symbol, the two semicircles laid one on top of the other, with the upward-arcing one broken where the other crossed it.又画了一个相似的符号,两个半圆形分别在其他图案的顶部,朝上的圆弧穿过其他图形。

6.Kristin: No, you can do this completely, yep, right out of the. . . OK, take your arm, one on top of the other, good Harry!克里斯汀:不用,你完全不用热身就可以做到位,展开双臂……好的,一只手臂放在另一只手臂上,做得对,哈里!

7.The two labs, one on top of the other, will become operational once they are fully outfitted late this year.这两个位于同一栋建筑的实验室,将会在今年末配备齐全后正式开始运营。

8.A machine prints layers of material -- usually plastic -- one on top of the other.一台机器打印一层层的材料——通常是塑料,层层叠加起来。

9.Arranges open windows one on top of the other without overlapping.以平铺方式排列已打开的窗口。

10.A number of sheets of paper of the same size stacked one on top of the other and glued together at one end ; a tablet .拍纸簿一些依次叠放起来并在一端粘住的大小相等的纸;便笺簿。