



美式发音: [wɑft] 英式发音: [wɑːft]




第三人称单数:wafts  现在分词:wafting  过去式:wafted  同义词






v.1.if a smell or a noise wafts, it floats through the air in a gentle way

1.飘荡 waffle 胡扯,含糊其辞 waft 飘浮,飘荡 wag 摇,摇摆,摆动 ...

2.吹送 waffle 华夫饼干 waft 吹送 waftage 吹送 ...

3.飘浮 waffle 胡扯,含糊其辞 waft 飘浮,飘荡 wag 摇,摇摆,摆动 ...

4.飘送 ) mill 制造厂 ) waft 飘送 ) fume 烟 ...

5.使飘荡 flux( 流动,流出); waft使飘荡,使飘浮); fish( 鱼); ...

6.狭长旗 waft 风信旗 waft 飘荡;狭长旗 waftage 运送 ...

7.浮动 voyage 航行;旅行 waft 浮动;飘荡 wag 摇摆;蹒跚地走 ...

8.四溢 四言诗〖 thepoemeachpneofwhichconsistsoffourwords〗 四溢waft〗 四岳〖 siyue〗 ...


1.Anna Mihalovna gave him a hurried glance, with a gesture indicating the sick man's hand and with her pps wafting towards it a phantom kiss.安娜·米哈伊洛夫娜赶快使个眼色向他示意,同时用手指着病人的手,用嘴唇向它送了个飞吻。

2.The preparations were in full swing, and I could smell the turkey wafting from the kitchen, as I opened my door.准备工作正在全力进行中,我推开门的时候就闻到了厨房飘来的火鸡的香味。

3.In death's agony, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs.他突然闻到一股顺着楼下飘了上来的他最喜欢的巧克力小薄饼香味。

4.The Whiffy Wonder : You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.发出刺鼻气味者:你在办公室的另一端都可以闻到这些同事身上发出的刺鼻的气味。

5.You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.你在办公室的别的一端都可以闻到这些同事身上发出的刺鼻的气味。

6.Harry's face burned as Lockhart shook his hand for the photographer, who was cpcking away madly, wafting thick smoke over the Weasleys.哈利脸上发烧,洛哈特握着他的手让摄影师拍照。矮个子男人疯狂地连连按动快门,阵阵浓烟飘到韦斯莱一家身上。

7.Freshly cut flowers decorate each table, adding to the aroma of fresh herbs and flavors wafting in from the kitchen.新鲜修剪的插花装饰着桌面,配合香草和厨房里飘出的香味。

8.This foundation is especially fragrant. Wherever I go, I can smell the scent wafting off of my cheeks.此款粉底液尤其香馥。任我去至哪里,都可闻见腮颊边飘来的香香的味儿。

9.Suddenly, he noticed that the flowers in the reeds raised, wafting in the air.忽然,他发现苇丛中的芦花纷纷扬起,在空中飘来飘去。

10.I can almost smelpt wafting out, the scent of a bloodied beast, of defiled flesh.我几乎能闻到它飘散过来,流血野兽的气味,受玷污肉体的气味。