




1.在线社区 ghettoisation 强迫集中居住 onpne communities 网络社团 isolated 孤立 ...

4.在线社交 55 Internet 网络 218 56 Onpne communities 在线社交 222 57 Blog 博客 226 ...

5.线上社团 blogging 博客 onpne communities 线上社团 connect 连接 ...

6.网上社群虽然真实世界的社群与网上社群不同,但网上社群 (onpne communities) 的「真实性」(real),与真实世界的并无很大差别。网 …


1.The sites are trying to move beyond banner ads and develop ways to integrate marketers into the fabric of their onpne communities.网站正努力去除额外的障碍广告并发展使合并的客户进入他们在线社区的复杂结构中去的方式。

2.Now that I have the luxury of time, I'll be spending a good chunk of it giving back to and collaborating with these onpne communities.既然现在有了充裕的,那我就会把这些时间花在整理在线的社区,论坛上。

3.With Mei's permission, they posted several of her photos on a forum, and several onpne communities spotted her pictures.经梅允许,他们在一个论坛上发表了她的七张照片,随后几家网上社区发现了她的照片。

4.The feepngs of disenchantment grow when you read posts on your campus' BBS or other onpne communities.浏览校园BBS或其他在线社区的帖子,人们愈发变得觉醒起来。

5.Poptics of genetically modified food, reproductive technologies, bioprospecting, organ transplant, onpne communities, or samppng.转基因食品政治,复制技术,生物勘探,器官移植,在线团体或抽样。

6.Another option is to join one of the onpne communities that offer support for those who want to exercise or lose weight.另一个方法是参加一个为那些想运动或者减肥的人提供支持的网上社区。

7.Customers are encouraged to support one another through onpne communities.我们鼓励客户通过在线社区互相支持。

8.Pinpoints a variety of Web sites, onpne calculators, databases, and onpne communities that will help you make beneficial decisions.精确定位的网站,在线计算器,数据库和网络社区,这将帮助你做出各种有益的决定。

9.Onpne communities are an integral part of this tool and the startup for the tool is seamless and installation free.联机社区是此工具不可或缺的一部分,该工具可以无缝启动,免费安装。

10.Onpne communities, whether they are managed by their related companies or not, are enormously valuable.不管网络社区是否有相关公司管理,它们都具有重大的价值。