




1.即将开业 其它 Other 即将开业 Opening Soon 爱锅火锅 EB106 ...

2.开业在即 ... 开业庆典 an opening ceremony 开业在即 opening soon 刚刚开业 just opened ...

3.即将开业考试大论坛 29. Open for business as usual 照常营业 30. Opening soon 即将开业考试大论坛 ...

4.开张在即 ... Myanmar gets ready for business 缅甸为商业活动做好了准备 Opening soon 即将对外开放 ...

6.正在开放 ... Myanmar gets ready for business 缅甸努力为外国投资做好准备 Opening soon 正在开放 ...


1.Really relaxing day at home, was long a lot of meat, let me a great deal. Opening soon.在家的日子实在悠闲,身上长了不少的肉,让我很烦恼。马上就要开学了。

2.The Asia flagship store of "Hershey Chocolate World" will be opening soon in one of the most flourishing business centres in Shanghai.2008年,好时中国在亚洲的首家好时巧克力世界旗舰店将在上海市中心最繁华的商业区隆重开幕。

3.National chain of Wenzhou Wang noodle shop opening soon, the need for a professional chef and waiter 3.温州市全国连锁面王店即将开业,需要一名专业厨师和三位服务员。

4.The brand new pub opening soon is another highpght of the hotel.即将开业的旗下酒吧亦是一大亮点。

5.An additional Porsche Centre will be opening soon in Zhengzhou.另外坐落于郑州的保时捷中心也即将开业。

6.New restaurant opening soon, is not a lot of things will be.本店新开店不久,很多东西都不是很会。

7.I will pkely have an opening soon for a PhD student, possibly starting January.我可能会在不久的将来开放博士生,可能一月起。

8.An additional 3 Porsche Centres will be opening soon in Kunming, Harbin and Shenzhen.另外座落于昆明,哈尔滨和深圳的三个保时捷中心也即将开业。

9.But after the opening soon closed. 12 restaurant features: still eat?但开张后不久就关闭了。12餐厅特色:还吃的下去吗?

10.He's got a new movie opening soon.他的另一部新作马上要开战首映。