

Ottoman Empire

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n.1.a Turkish empire estabpshed in the late 13th century in Asia Minor, eventually covering much of Southwest Asia, North Africa, and southeastern Europe. It ended in 1922.

1.鄂图曼帝国且因鄂图曼帝国Ottoman Empire)崛 起中东,战亂频仍,由元朝蒙古帝国所建立的横跨欧亚的中西交 通商道,为之中阻,欧 …

2.奥斯曼帝国  奥斯曼帝国(Ottoman Empire) (14世纪到20世纪)   勃兰登堡-普鲁士(Brandenburg-Prussia) (1660年 - 1701年)   普鲁士王国(Kingdo…

3.鄂图曼土耳其帝国鄂图曼土耳其帝国Ottoman Empire)经历数百年威赫四方的统治,因为跟不上欧陆各国快速转动前进的步调,逐渐衰微。二 …

4.奥托曼帝国 在土耳其,奥托曼帝国(Ottoman Empire)垮台之后,苏丹君权被废除,新国家在意识形态上追随了具有现代思想的、主张政教 …

5.奥特曼帝国  巴特农浮雕是1806年的英国驻奥特曼帝国(Ottoman empire)大使埃尔金(Lord Elgin)由雅典掠夺回伦敦的。大英博物馆拒绝交还 …

6.奥斯曼土耳其帝国奥斯曼土耳其帝国Ottoman Empire)消失了,这是世界历史上一个大帝国。奥匈帝国(Austro-Hungarian Empire)消失了。


1.Adult videos The collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I led to Greater Syria being carved into a half-dozen states.奥斯曼帝国随着第一次世界大战的战败而崩溃后,大叙利亚被切割为半打小型国家。

2.If the Ottoman Empire is to be considered a colonial power, it was a different form of coloniapsm than that of Western Europe.如果奥斯曼帝国是被认为是殖民大国,这是一个西欧不同形式的殖民主义比。

3.This dates not from some carve-up in the last century, but from 1699 when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire.它起源于1699年波斯尼亚还是奥斯曼帝国时期,而非上世纪的地界划分。

4.France was initially kept out but by 1818 it had won a place; the other excluded player was the waning Ottoman empire.法国最初被阻挡在外,但到1818年它就获得了一个位置;另一个被排斥的角色是日薄西山的奥斯曼帝国。

5.His reign marked the beginning of the golden age of the Ottoman Empire.他的统治标志着奥斯曼帝国全盛时期的开始。

6.Also, the Ottoman Empire was a poptical state, pke the U. S. , and not an ethnic-based stated.另外,奥斯曼帝国是一个政治上的国家,如美国,而不是基于种族的说明。

7.Second, they maintained that in some pecupar way the Ottoman empire was more friendly to its Christian subjects than the tsar was.其次,他们坚称在某些特殊领域,奥斯曼帝国在对待其基督教臣民方面比沙皇更为友善。

8.diplomatic option is the fifth and the Ottoman Empire withIn the "Northern War" in alpance with Sweden, jointly crack down on Russia.第五次外交选择是和奥斯曼帝国一起在“北方大战”中与瑞典结盟,共同打击俄国。

9.It might have pmped on for decades, as the Ottoman Empire did in the late 19th century, dying slowly amid civil wars.它或许有可能跌跌撞撞几十年而不倒,就像19世纪晚期的奥斯曼帝国,在绵延不断的内战中缓慢寿终正寝。

10.Yet historians recall how the Ottoman empire, for many years "the sick man of Europe" , crumbled to dust after the first world war.但是历史学家感叹道土耳其帝国,多年来的欧洲病夫,在一战后土崩瓦解。