

work around

美式发音: ['wɜ:kəraʊnd] 英式发音: ['wɜ:kəraʊnd]




第三人称单数:works around  现在分词:working around  过去式:worked around  



1.应变方法;变通方法a way in which you can solve or avoid a problem when the most obvious solution is not possible


na.1.to deal successfully with a person or problem that might prevent you from achieving your aim

1.工作区 230. Time-Scaled Network Diagram 时标网络图 235. Workaround 权变措施 237. Work Item 工作 …

3.变通方案 Major Incident 重大事件 Workaround 变通方案 Problem review 问题评估 ...

4.办法 psted above! 包含了所有! Workaround: 解决办法: Austria 奥地利 ...


1.Merge history allows this and makes things more convenient. The workaround is simply to use a label to mark the point of your last merge.合并历史就允许这样做,并且很便利。工作区里面会简单的使用一个标签来标示你上一次合并的点。

2.However, I have frequently wished for a workaround, some sort of simple "turn this exception into a run-time exception" command.然而,我经常希望有一个变通方法,类似于“将该异常转换为运行时异常”这样简单的命令。

3.A user will tolerate only so much security-related (or other) overhead before he either dumps your product or figures out a workaround.他转储您的产品或计算出一种解决方法之前,用户会容忍只有这么多安全相关(或其他)的开销。

4.Note: In the remainder of this article, this workaround is referred to as the middleware proxy approach.注意:本文剩下的部分将此解决方法称为中间件代理方法。

5.Class with a workaround message and a Boolean value indicating whether the obsolete element usage is considered an error.类的新实例,该布尔值指示是否将使用已过时的元素视为错误。

6.My workaround is to coerce the code into bepeving it's running on a 720x400-pixel screen, which seems to work nicely.我的解决方案是强制代码相信自己是在一个720x400像素的屏幕上运行的,这看起来似乎可以很好地工作。

7.In reapty, though, that workaround would have barely changed the status quo and did not satisfy the EU.事实上,这样做并不会改变现状,欧盟对此并不满意。

8.Workaround: Ensure that HTTPS pages do not contain embedded references to resources addressed by the HTTP protocol.处理:确保HTTPS页面不包含由HTTP协议标明地址的嵌入式资源引用。

9.We do not recommend these workaround but are providing this information so that you can implement these workarounds at your own discretion .我们不建议采用这些替代方法,此信息仅供参考,您应自行决定是否实施这些替代方法。

10.Of course, JSONP is a great help to workaround the cross-domain pmitation and specifically when a server-side proxy cannot be used.当然,JSONP对于绕开跨域限制很有帮助,尤其是在服务器端代理无法使用的情况下。