





3.阿尔卑斯冰人奥茨最近无意中又再看到有关「阿尔卑斯冰人奥茨」(Otzi)的资料,有著更惊人的发现,令到原本已经十分诡异离奇的冰人发现事 …

4.冰人欧兹冰人欧兹(OTZI) 是西元1991年在阿尔卑斯的冰川位於奥地利与义大利边境之帝罗尔地区被发现的 他的半个身体埋在冰层里 严 …

5.奥特兹  当DJ 奥特兹Otzi)、竞飞世界锦标赛冠军汉尼斯-埃克(Hannes Arch)、拳击冠军阿历克赛尔-苏尔兹(Axel Schulz)、足 …

6.武茨 武茨Otzi)瘫倒在岩石上,已经精疲力竭了。严寒使他对疼痛有些麻木,但也只是麻木了一点而已。


1.Otzi was thought to be the body of a soldier who fought during WWI but was found to be thousands of years older.起初,人们还以为奥茨是一战的参战士兵,但后来却发现他的年龄已有几千年。

2.Otzi's tattoo shows that he might have been a wizard, according to Prauda, the official newspaper in Russia.据俄国官方报纸《真理报》报道,奥茨身上的文身表明,他可能曾经是个巫师。

3.At first, it looked as if Otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the Alps.初看起来奥兹似乎冻死于阿尔卑斯山的雪暴。

4.The scientists say Otzi was shot in the back with an arrow and then died, possibly after fighting with his murderer or murderers.科学家们称奥兹背后中箭身亡,可能死前还和对手(们)进行过一番搏斗。

5.The results of previous tests showed a stone arrowhead buried in his left shoulder, indicating Otzi was the victim6 of foul7 play.先前的一系列测试结果显示,他的左肩内有一枚石质箭头,这表明奥兹是遭暗算被害。

6.Buried? : Otzi the Iceman may not have died where hikers found him in 1991.下葬?“冰人”奥兹也许不是死在登山旅行者1991年发现他的地方。

7.With the death of several people who have touched the remains of the ancient man, the "Otzi curse" mystery has snowballed.而确实有几个人在碰过这个古人的尸身后死去,这使神秘的“奥茨诅咒”越来越玄乎。

8.A thousand-year-old mummy, nicknamed Otzi the Iceman was wearing a Chinese jacket, latest research has found.最新研究发现,这具名为“冰人奥茨”的千年木乃伊穿的是一件中式上衣。

9.Then the scientists compared that DNA with traces of blood found on Otzi "s clothing and weapons. "然后科学家们将它与奥兹衣物和武器血迹中的DNA进行了对比。