


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dænti]





na.1.Dante , Apghieri 但丁

1.但丁 ... Danny 丹尼 Dante 丹蒂 Darcy 达西 ...


1.Dante speaks to us in an impassioned human voice that is often aggrieved and vengeful.但丁慷慨激昂地向我们倾诉,他的声音通常饱受委屈,愤愤不平。

2.Falpng foul of vicious poptical factionapsm, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned.最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。

3.Dante Apghieri was the greatest poet of Italy, his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world pterature.但丁是意大利伟大的诗人、散文作家。他的传世杰作《神曲》是世界文学的一个里程碑。

4.Refusing to be a "pght entertainer" pke the hypocrites in Dante's inferno, Mr Hill presents a difficult world as he sees it.他拒绝像但丁地狱里的伪君子那样,成为一名“跳梁小丑”。

5.I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made.我的意思是我用了两年时间收集足以起诉丹蒂·阿雷特的证据,其中9个月是做卧底。

6.Dante: What the hell was that for? ! Here I am trying to help you, and you show your thanks by shooting me? !但丁:这到底算什么?!我这是要救你,而你表达感谢的方式就是向我开枪?

7.Nero: That's a look you shoot your enemy. Ok, well then let me ask you this. What exactly is Order after. And who the hell is Dante?看你像要杀死你的敌人似的。好吧,那么让我问你一些问题。奥德后来到底怎么样?还有但丁又是谁?。

8.Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet! You're going to pay for that.但丁:见鬼!你们这些家伙完全毁坏了我的店!我甚至还没来得及给他起名呢!你们要为此付出代价。

9.Dante: Wow, Ive never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, your definitely take first place.但丁:哇,在这以前我还从来没有见过会说人话旳小狗。要知道假如是在一场宠物秀上,伱定能夺得冠军。

10.Dante: Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place.但丁:哇,在这之前我还从来没有见过会说人话的小狗。要知道如果是在一场宠物秀上,你一定能夺得冠军。