




1.我们的社区 ... 亲亲社区 Our Neighbourhood 我们的社区 Our Community 我的邻居 My Neighbours ...

2.社区生活 Unit 04 Being a Good Citizen 当一个好公民 Theme:Our Community 社区生活 Vocabulary Review 1 单字复习1 ...

3.社区卡. ... Ocean Life 海洋生物 Our Community 社区卡 People 人物卡 ...

4.我们的社群 Contact Us 联络 Our Community 我们的社群 Home 爱家首页 ...

5.社会环境 ... 6 MP3 录音 Unit 01 Our Community 社会环境 | 10 Unit 02 Home and School Life 家庭与学校生活 | 14 ...

6.我们在社区 Employee Corner 员工天地 Our Community 我们在社区 Career Development 职业 …

7.社区活动 相关资源 Resources 社区活动 Our Community 首页 Home ...

8.社交英语 Where do you want the sofa? 沙发要送到哪里? Our Community 社交英语 Places and services 地点及服务项 …


1.I had long suspected he could have autism and our community paediatrician sent him for an assessment.我一直以来都怀疑他患上了孤独症,我们社区小儿科医生把他送去做了一个评估测试。

2.But I also know how much more prosperous, not to mention pvely and interesting, our community would be if tourism increased.但我也知道,如果旅游业得以发展,我们的社区将会变得多么的更加繁荣,不用提多么的生气蓬勃和引人入胜。

3.I look forward to working closely with you in the year ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations.我期待着在未来的一年与你密切合作,克服我们国际社会所面临的各种挑战。

4.I reapze how much Mrs. A will be missed in our community for which she did so much.我体会到我们社区的人都会怀念A太太;她为我们做了许多事。

5.'Unnecessary resignations will not help our community forge consensus on constitutional development, ' he said.他说,“不必要的辞职无助于香港社会在宪政发展方面形成共识。”

6.The pastor of St. Sabina parish today said the shooter of two teens outside a church building is "not going to hide in our community. "今日,街臭教区牧师宣称:在教堂外枪袭两名青少年的歹徒将无法容身于我们的社会。

7.You are part of our community. And I'm writing today to ask you to protect and sustain Wikipedia.你是我们社群的一员,因此今天我向你写信,请求你保护维基百科,让它能够维持下去。

8.As my reputation within our community continued to grow, my dream began to grow, as well.正当我的名声在行业界里口碑越来越好的时候,我的梦想也开始萌生发芽。

9.We act as if others exist just to be dazzled by us and to spread our reputation throughout our community.我们做得好像别人存在的目的就是要赞叹我们的光芒,并四处传扬我们的名声。

10.We knew that the teenagers in our community needed a place to hang out, to play sports, to watch movies, or to meet new people.我们知道我们社区的青少年需要一个地方聚会,进行体育活动,看电影,结识新朋友。