




1.我们的家 Pure 清秋 Our Home 我们的家 Birdsong 空山鸟语 ...

2.我们的家园 我们的团队- our team 我们的家园- our home 柯莱逊简介- about us ...

3.我的家 10  清秋 Pure 11  我的家 Our Home 专辑曲目:01  萤 Firefly ...

4.我们家 cat boys 猫儿子们 Our Home 我们家 Photoshoot 婚纱 ...

5.共筑家园 年会 Annual Party 共筑家园 Our Home 乐章 The Movement ...

6.北漂的家 11月·我不是萧邦- I'm Not Chopin 北漂的家- Our Home 听到涛声- The Ocean Waves ...

7.自己家的 own/self 自己的 our home 自己家的 myself 自己 ...


1.he said , "Since that is the case, let us invite 'Wealth' and let him come and fill our home with wealth! " His wife disagreed.“既然这样的话,我们就邀请财富让他进来,让我们家充满财富吧”。

2.Dobrin's office is a few miles from our home, and Mike agreed to let me and Ed give the Advanced Parking Guidance System a try.多布林的办公室离我家只有几英里远,迈克同意我和埃德去试一下这个高级停车导引系统。

3.", " Ah, " she answered, " If I did not eat back in our home garden of lettuce that, I would die for.“啊,”她回答,“我要是吃不到我们家后面那个园子里的莴苣,我就会死掉的。”

4.We soon reached the White House, which was to be in every sense our home for the next three weeks.不久,我们就抵达白宫,这里从各方面说来将成为我们在以后三个星期内的家园。

5.Even though we were tired from travel, the calm and beauty of what was to be our home for the next ten days was immediately obvious.尽管疲劳不堪,我们接下来要度过十天的地方是那么宁静美丽,还是有目共睹。

6.A Simple Analysis on Reason and Result of Social Development Unbalance--Research it from "the Bottom of Our Home"社会经济发展失衡的因果简析--从“我们的家底儿”谈起

7."Our home values were up, income up, " he said. He pauses, his frustration palpable.“我们的房价曾上涨过,工资也涨过,”他说着,万分沮丧地停顿了下。

8.Our home page, shown in Figure 2, used to be completely static. Now, a few elements are dynamic.图2中所示的主页原来是完全静态的,现在,有一些元素变成了动态的。

9.It seemed almost unbepevable that it had been our home for eight years; now it was almost over.八年来,这里一直是我们的家,似乎让我难以置信,但现在这种日子就要结束了。

10.Magnus runs a fantastic "ship" here - when your handwritten welcoming card says "Welcome to our Home" , you know you've found a real gem.Magnus在这里好比在经营着一艘奇妙无比的“轮船”――-当你拿到写着“欢迎到我们的家”的招待卡时,你会发现你找对地方了。