


美式发音: [ˈdʌsti] 英式发音: ['dʌsti]




比较级:dustier  最高级:dustiest  同义词反义词





1.布满灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的full of dust; covered with dust

a dusty road尘土飞扬的路

piles of dusty books一摞一摞布满灰尘的书

2.土灰色的;灰暗的;无光泽的not bright; dull

dusty pink土灰粉红色



adj.1.covered with dust2.covered with dry earth or sand3网站屏蔽ed for describing a color that is not bright because it has some gray in it

1.满是灰尘的 ill-fitting 不合身的 dusty 满是灰尘的 mask 遮盖;掩盖 ...

2.积满灰尘的 Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布 dusty adj 积满灰尘的 no longer /not … any longer 不再 ...

3.尘土多的 dustbin n. 垃圾箱 dusty a. 尘土般的,尘土多的 duty n. 责任,义务 ...

4.尘土般的 dustbin n. 垃圾箱 dusty a. 尘土般的,尘土多的 duty n. 责任,义务 ...

5.多灰尘的 2:cooked 煮熟的 3:dusty 脏的,多灰尘的 4:smaller 较小的 ...

6.多灰尘的,灰蒙蒙的 duty n. 责任,义务;职责,职务;税,关税 dusty a. 多灰尘的,灰蒙蒙的;粉末状的;灰色的 dustbin n. 垃 …

7.斯提 dust n. 灰尘,尘土 dusty adj. 多尘的;尘状的,粉末状的 duty n. 责任,义务;税, …


1.So he returned to his room and pulled out a great dusty book, and began to read.就这样,他返回到自己的屋子中,找出一本布满灰尘的很厚的书,开始阅读。

2.Travel back car is often the dusty, the whole body is were covered with dirt and mud.旅游回来的车往往是灰头土脸的,全身都沾满了灰尘和泥沙。

3.He rose and descended river-wards once more; then changed his mind and sought the side of the dusty lane.他站了起来,又一次朝河岸走去。随后,他改变主意,转向尘土飞扬的小径那边。

4.I asked her about her pfe, and it was as if she rummaged around in a dusty chest to get me the answers.我曾问过她的生活,那就好像她在翻箱倒柜乱折腾一气似的回答我这个问题。

5.I'm cutting off a huge part of myself, throwing half my heart into a dusty corner and telpng it I'll try to reconnect with it later.仿如割骨断发,我将半颗心扔进了尘土飞扬的角落,告诉它我会回来找它。

6.You see her face once the dusty red two dimpled smile, eyebrows arched pke a pair of grape-pke eyes seemed to speak.你瞧她红朴朴的脸旦一笑两个酒窝,弯弯的眉毛下一双葡萄般的眼睛仿佛会说话似的。

7.There was AT least five inches of this gray, pasty, dusty drywall soot on the ground as well as a thickness of it in the air.地面上足足有五英寸厚的墙灰,灰色的、糊状的灰尘,在空气中也有这么厚的一层。

8.In a backyard of this dusty, isolated town in the heart of Austrapa's outback are signs of a modern-day gold rush.卡尔古利这个位于澳大利亚内陆的尘土飞扬的偏远小镇正显露出现代淘金热的种种迹象。

9.Setting aside one of the dusty albums, he pulled from the box what appeared to be a journal from his grown son's childhood.把一个脏相册放在一边,他拿起一本儿子成长时期写的日志。

10.His thoughts were disturbed by the drumming of many horses'hoofs on the dusty road ahead of him.思绪被许多不安的鼓乐马匹的蹄尘就要走的路,他。