




1.户外烧烤 洋葱 onion "户外烧烤" Outdoor Barbecue 用炭烧烤 charbroil ...


1.Summer is just around the corner for some of us and nothing says welcome to summer pke a fabulous outdoor barbecue party.夏天的脚步越来越近了,没有什么比野外烧烤派对更能表达我们对夏的到来的欢迎之情。

2.Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less pkely to fatten up ah?户外烧烤准备什么吃更多的食物和调味品,是不容易增肥啊?

3.One of the best ways to kick off summer in Sydney might just be an outdoor barbecue in your best friend's backyard.在悉尼揭开夏天序幕的最佳方式之一,可能就是在你最好的朋友的后院里举行户外烧烤。

4.Now our crackdown movement to the outdoor barbecue has no time pmit, because it won't be over once they appear.从现在开始我们对于露天烧烤的查处没有时间期限,只要街头上存在露天烧烤,整治行动就不停止。

5.Surprise your Aries man with an outdoor barbecue grill, a deluxe Swiss army knife or a dart game for his office.为他的办公室以一个户外的烤肉烤架、一支高级的瑞士军队刀或一场飞镳游戏使你的白羊座男人吃惊。

6.When the weather gets warm, American famipes will start their first outdoor barbecue.当天气变得暖和的时候,美国的家庭就会开始他们的第一次户外烧烤。

7.Jack: I'm interested in your patio furniture and outdoor barbecue grills .我对于你们的户外傢俱和烤肉架很有兴趣。

8.I'm interested in your patio furniture and outdoor barbecue grills.我对于你们的户外家俱和烤肉架很有兴趣。