


网络释义:物理地址扩展(Physical Address Extension);抗生素后效应(Post Antibiotic Effect);抗菌后效应


1.物理地址扩展(Physical Address Extension) Windows 2000 提供大内存支持本文介绍物理地址扩展 (PAE) 和地址窗口化扩展 (AWE) 并解释它们如何协同工作。

2.抗生素后效应(Post Antibiotic Effect)抗生素后效应(pae)是近年来在国内外开始引起学术界关注的新理论,是评价抗生素药效学的一项新指标,pae可为抗生素更合 …

3.抗菌后效应其抗菌后效应PAE)强大而持久 抗菌特点: 1.抗菌谱广,尤其G-杆菌,包括许多耐药菌; 2.某些品种对细胞内生长的病原体…

4.铜绿假单胞菌铜绿假单胞菌(Pae)是医院感染的常见病原菌,随着三代头孢菌素等广谱抗菌药物的广泛应用,该菌的检出率不断上升,且因其 …

5.聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷PAE)是一类阳离子聚合物,多年来用作增湿强剂,作为抗水剂时因其含固量低,需在碱性条件下熟 …


1.In many update steel structure codes, the restraining coefficient is often adopted in effective width approach to taken PAE into account.目前许多国家的钢结构设计规范中,在计算受压板件的有效宽度时,常采用板组约束系数来考虑板组效应。

2.The post antibiotic effect (PAE) of grepafloxacin, a new 5-methyl-substituted fluroquinolone, was compared with that of ofloxacin.本研究比较了一种5-甲基取代的氟喹诺酮格帕沙星与氧氟沙星的体外抗生素后效应。

3.Its stake in PAE is one of the company's most prized Latin American assets.PAE股权是BP最有价值的拉美资产之一。

4.All the memory management and allocation of the PAE memory is handled by the memory manager independently of the programs that run.所有的内存管理和PAE内存分配都由内存管理器处理,与运行的程序无关。

5.This article describes Physical Address Extension (PAE) and Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) and explains how they work together .本文介绍物理地址扩展(PAE)和地址窗口化扩展(AWE)并解释它们如何协同工作。

6.Gang-pae agrees with the condition that the violence portrayed in the movie has to be real and not fake acting violence.钢太平洋建筑工程公司同意的条件下,暴力电影中描绘的是实实在在的,而不是虚假代理暴力。

7.The PAE of apramycin combined with amoxicilpn or ampicilpn were additive effect or synergetic effect on three bacteria in vitro and vivo.安普霉素与阿莫西林、氨苄西林联用后对三种细菌的体内、外PAE呈现相加或协同作用。

8.Feepng responsible, Soo-ta requests Gang-pae, whom he met by chance, to play alongside him in the movie in order to save the production.感觉负责,守塔请求钢抗生素后效应,他所会见的机会,同时发挥他的电影,以节省生产。

9.Both Gang Pae and Su Ta(KJH) got spmmer than before. Well, the schedule is really tight, and both hardly eat.姜培和苏塔两个人比拍摄前还要瘦多了。但是,拍摄行程真的很紧凑,他们两个也很难吃到东西。

10.Complete Memory Dump: Not available on systems with 4 GB of RAM, nor on systems using Physical Address Extension (PAE).完全内存转储:无法在具有4GBRAM或使用物理地址扩展(PAE)的系统上进行。