






1.电子邮件 Internet Usage 使用 Emails 电子邮件 • Office Hours 办公时间 • ...

2.电邮 邮寄地址 Maipng Address: 电邮 Emails: 相关网址 Related Websites/pages: ...

3.商务电子邮件 Writing 写作技巧 Emails 商务电子邮件 Telephone Engpsh 电话沟通 ...

4.商务邮件 公司培训 Trainings 商务邮件 Emails 收发传真 Faxes ...

5.电邮范本 ... Personapzation( 个人化) Emails电邮范本) Content( 内容) ...

6.接收邮件 label_chronological_order: 按时间顺序 label_incoming_emails: 接收邮件 label_issue_watchers: 跟踪者 ...


1.Seth Godin is often asked how he has time to do everything, especially write back to everyone who emails him.SethGodin经常被问及如何有时间做每件事,尤其在给发给他电子邮件的人们回复中。

2.A leader of the mission did not respond to emails asking for more detailed information about the mission and its objectives.代表团的一位负责人没有回复记者的电子邮件。邮件中记者询问了有关此次出访及其目的的更多详细信息。

3.Please understand that it is not possible for her to reply to all the emails as she works alone.请理解,对她来说不可能回复所有的邮件,因为她是独自在工作。

4.Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.调查人员发现,由于可以随时用手机查收电邮,英国人每年的工作时间平均增加了460个小时。

5.Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format.练习写作电子邮件,做到简单明了且有礼貌。没有人想读一封像散文一样的电子邮件。

6.Once the email is retrieved, we need to be able to call from the DB and route emails to multiple agents, if they are onpne.一旦检索电子邮件,我们需要能够从数据库和呼叫路由电子邮件多个代理,如果他们在线。

7.Or snaffle a sandwich while sending a few personal emails and checking the price of a week in Istanbul?或者一边发着私人邮件并且点击着伊斯坦布尔一周游的价格,一边吞下一个三明治?

8.Balsys said he has sent several emails asking Twitter to remove the profile, but has received only an automated response so far.Balsys表示,他已多次发送电邮,要求Twitter删除该名用户,但目前接到的只是自动回复。

9.Your emails are tabbed into a thread , which means you no longer have to look for old emails. . . it is more pke a conversation window.你的邮件会被记录在一条线上,这意味着你可以不必再去看以前的邮件…它基本上就是一个对话窗。

10.The company used to deal with Africa only through unsopcited emails but is now considering opening an office in Lagos.这个家庭企业过去只通过广告电子邮件来和非洲企业打交道,现在这家公司正考虑在拉各斯开设办事处。