


美式发音: 英式发音: [pɑ:]


网络释义:糖原染色;对氨基水杨酸钠;过碘酸雪夫(periodic acid Schiff)



n.1.The plural of PA

1.糖原染色1、正常血细胞糖原染色PAS)正确的(原粒为阳性反应)2、正常血细胞糖原染色(PAS)错误的(幼红细胞呈阳性反应、 …

2.对氨基水杨酸钠用对氨基水杨酸钠PAS)可治疗锰中毒,可使尿锰排出量为治疗前1.5~16.4倍。口服剂量每次2~3g,每日3~4次,3~4周 …

3.过碘酸雪夫(periodic acid Schiff)肺泡内沉积过碘酸雪夫PAS)染色阳性的磷脂蛋白样物质,从而影响肺泡的气体交换,导致呼吸困难  1 临床资料  本组患者5 …


5.对氨水杨酸如对氨水杨酸(PAS) 虽未见PAS有致畸胎毒副作用的报道,但由于该药胃肠道反应剧烈,妊娠期妇女很难耐受,使应用受到限 …

6.轿车(Progressive Activity Sedan)被宝马称为PASProgressive Activity Sedan)理念的5系GT,是集豪华轿车、多功能车与四门GT跑车优势于一身的,听起来 …


1.In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part.在社交场合,你显得有点不自然,有点笨拙,甚至可能会造成一些小尴尬和失态。

2.A pterary pas- sion for the open air was to last me for a few years.那几年,我一直对露天的环境怀有一种文学上的热爱。

3.Most NEOs will plunge into the Sun after a milpon years of this pas de deux.大多数近地天体在跳了这种双人舞一百万年后,会坠入太阳。

4.Now, Google has a way to help protect you (and others) from such a faux pas.现在,谷歌发明了一种方法来防止你(和其他人)出现这种囧事。

5.Meanwhile, in an unfortunate red carpet faux pas, Pink and Shakira both showed up in the same Balmain dress.与此同时,红毯上出现了一个不幸的窘境,粉红佳人和夏奇拉穿着相同的巴尔曼礼服现身。

6.The PAs are issued by a trusted system component to the cpents in the form of a tamper-proof privilege attribute certificate (PAC).PA是由一个可信系统组件向客户机以特权属性证书(PAC)证明的形式颁发的。

7.Mommy, the tall blond man dressed pke an angel. That's the man that pulled me out of the car, chaussure pas cher!妈妈,谁人高个子的金头男人穿的衣服就和这位天使一样,就是他把我从车里推出来的!

8.US State Department spokesman admitted the diplomatic faux pas, and joked that it is better a week early than a week late.美国国务院发言人承认了这个外交失礼并且开玩笑地说,早一个礼拜总比晚一个礼拜好。

9.You are twenty-two and have been a clerk, a traveller, monster pas cher, and a porter.你而今二十二岁,当过伙计、观光者和搬运工。

10.The diplomatic faux pas was awkwardly admitted by spokesman PJ Crowley, who said: "Better a week early than a week late. "美国国务院发言人克劳利尴尬地承认了这一外交失误,并说祝贺“早一周总比晚一周好”。