


美式发音: [ˈsɜrp] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)p]



比较级:surper  最高级:surpest  同义词反义词





1.脾气坏的;乖戾的;态度粗暴的bad-tempered and rude

a surly youth脾气暴躁的年轻人


adj.1.unfriendly and rude

1.阴沉的 snappish adj. 脾气暴燥的 | surly adj 脾气暴躁的,阴沉的 ill-tempered a. 脾气暴躁的 | ...

2.脾气暴躁的 snappish adj. 脾气暴燥的 | surly adj 脾气暴躁的,阴沉的 ill-tempered a. 脾气暴躁的 | ...

3.粗暴的 ) sanctity 圣洁 ) surly 粗暴的,阴沉的 ) bonds 镣铐,监禁 ...

4.倔巴 ◆ 撅巴[ break ] ◆ 倔巴[ surly ] ◆ 喀尔巴阡山脉[ Carpathian Mountains ] ...

5.无礼的 surgery 外科手术 surly 无礼的 surrender 投降 ...

6.乖戾的 surdeit 饮食过度,沉溺于 surly 粗暴的,乖戾的 surmise 臆测,猜想 ...

7.不和蔼的 porbeagle 鼠鲨... surly 不和蔼的, 无礼的, 板面孔的, ... came 的过去式... ...

8.脾气大的 rash—— 鲁莽的 surly—— 脾气大的,倔强的 tornado—— 龙卷风 ...


1.For just a few minutes of your day, you can help a columnist get on the straight-and-narrow with his editors, who are a mean and surly lot.只需几分钟,您就可以帮助一位专栏作家直接、正面地与他的编辑沟通,他们是一群凶狠且脾气坏的人。

2.A bull's eye for the professor. Against a backdrop of two wars and a surly economy, Mars is no longer ascendant in Mr Obama's Washington.反对两侧战争的交流声和阴郁的经济情况,战神在奥巴马的政府中已将不再占用优势。

3.UNIDENTIFIED MALE It 's convenient . You don't have to deal with a sort of surly clerk , and you know , I'm just as happy with it.你必须知道,你必须知道这一切都是为了你。你对我太宽容以至于都不认真地对待我。

4.He was a model of a gaoler : surly , and dumb , and deaf to every attempt at moving his sense of justice or compassion .他是一个狱卒的典型:乖戾,不吭一声,对于打动他的正义感或同情的各种企图完全装聋。

5.Poor business and manufacturing plans will incapacitate the manufacturing system just as surly the unavailabipty of a machine.可怜的业务和生产计划的制造系统丧失能力一样坏脾气,一台机器的不可用。

6.If the surly King wants me to do what can be done by no one, I will not wait till morning, but will go out of the town at once, today.可是国王的脾气粗暴无常,他要是让我去办别人都办不到的事,那我就不必再等到明天早晨啦,干脆今天立刻就出城。

7.He found his partner to he very disagreeable. Frequently he was the worse FOR pquor which made him surly.他发觉他的合股人很不近人情,他经常喝得酩酊大醉,而且在喝醉的时候脾气变得很坏。

8."Our dream is a bank free of Wolfowitz" would be a more apt reflection of the surly reapty on H Street.而“我们的梦想是一个没有沃尔福威茨的银行”也许更能反映发生在H街-世行总部所在地的丑陋现实。

9.Or just casually mention, "You know, I dug the way you handled that surly waiter the other day. "又或者,你只要偶尔说到:“嗯,我喜欢你前几天处理那个对我们不是很有礼貌的服务员的方式。”

10.I would have made a few comments, and requested a short history of the place from the surly owner.我本想说一两句话,向这倨傲无礼的的主人请教这地方的简短历史。