


英文单词:分区引导记录(Partition Boot Record);股价净值比(PB Ratio);聚丁二烯橡胶(poly-butadiene rubber)


1.分区引导记录(Partition Boot Record)Master Boot Record)或分区上的 PBRPartition Boot Record),以及对 Windows Vista/7/2008 启动配置文件 BCD 的编辑 …

2.股价净值比(PB Ratio)


1.We gave each of the inspectors the requirements artifacts for the system, as well as the three PBR-UP scenarios we developed.我们给每个审查人员系统的需求工件,同时还给他们三个我们开发的PBR-UP场景。

2.Based on these assumptions, we found that the efficacy of PBR-UP in this case study to be more than 70% on average.基于这些假设条件,我们发现这个案例研究中PBR-UP技术的效力平均在70%以上。

3.If I'm at a bar, I'll probably order a PBR [Pabst Blue Ribbon] and nurse it the entire night.如果我在酒吧的时候,我可能会订购PBR[帕布斯特蓝带]和护士是整个晚上。

4.It was important that the project be managed according to RUP principles for the PBR-UP technique to be applied.为了运用PBR-UP技术,选择的项目必须根据RUP原则来进行管理是十分重要的。

5.The PBR technique supports the identification of defects from the viewpoint of those actors who will use the artifacts being inspected.从那些提供被检测工件的参与者的观点来看,PBR技术是支持缺陷识别的。

6.PBR offers each of the reviewers a viewpoint or perspective specific to each type of consumer, from which the requirements are inspected.PBR为每个评审人员提供一个对每种类型客户的详细而精确的视图或者透视图,从而对需求进行审查。

7.Put down that PBR and learn a thing or two about beer.放下那PBR并且学会一两件事关于啤酒。

8.By this measure, the cost-efficiency of the PBR-UP technique in this case was approximately US $10 per error.通过这种测量,在这个案例中PBR-UP技术的成本效率大约是每个错误10美圆。

9.The number of defects found per person-hour was also less using the PBR technique.使用PBR技术的找到缺陷所需的人时也少得多。

10.PBR offers guidance for the viewpoints of designer, tester, or customer.PBR为设计人员、测试人员或客户的观点提供指导。
