




1.碧 PEI 丕 PIK PIK 璧 ...

2.实物支付债券 PIK 碧 PIK PIN 卞 ...

4.实物支付(payment in kind)很多因素会影响偿债能力,包括不同管辖范围的相关利率水平,固定利率和浮动利率资金的构成比例,零利息或者实物支付PI

5.Pseudo Image Kit2.3. 为什么不使用Pseudo Image KitPIK)? 2.4. 什么是Jigdo?

6.支付票据  不过,高级债券持有人和5.35亿美元实物支付票据PIK)的持有人是两类不同人群,前者是普通投资人,也就是散户,他们的 …


1.These Bai culture and history of their ancestors to be delicate and elegant stone axes to remain in the Shek Pik , between heaven and earth.这些白族的文化和历史都被先人以细腻典雅的石斧留在了石壁上,天地间。

2." When the wind round the moon, Pik Wan days, goldenrod, bear in western, North Yannan fei" .“当秋风吹圆了那轮明月,碧云天,黄花地,西风紧,北雁南飞”。

3.The PIK rates range from 1. 5 percent up to 2. 5 percent in certain years of the maturity.在贷款期限内,实物券利率范围从1.5%至2.5%浮动。

4.Enthusiasm. -- It fuels creative, innovative action. And it's contagious-customers will pik it up from you!热情。--热情可以激发出具有创造性、革新性的举动。而且它富有感染力-顾客也会收到鼓舞。

5.Three Qinggong Pik Wan Fang Shi of the Tomb, is a magnificent ancient cemetery construction.为三清宫方士占碧云之墓,是一座宏伟壮观的古陵园建筑。

6.Long voyage Court where it is quite exciting battles Road, adjacent Pik Wan new horizons, to bring high-grade community atmosphere here.长航苑所在的台儿庄路一带还是比较热闹,旁边的碧云新天地,给这里带来了高档社区的气息。

7.Health and the sea Ningbi cold, Shek Pik cut straight into the sea, rock Provisional Cliff Yan lying.大海凝碧生寒,石壁直削入海,磐石临崖偃卧。

8.That's the message of Kanal PIK, an ambitious government-funded effort to start a Caucasus version of al-Jazeera.这是Kanal碧的消息,一项雄心勃勃的政府资助的努力开始的半岛高加索版本。

9.Under PIK, farmers were paid in government-owned farm commodities for reducing crop acreage.根据“以货代款”计划,把政府的农用商品交给农民,让他们减少种植面积。

10.Shek Pik on the hole, since the Ming Dynasty Tiyong a number of stone.洞中石壁上,有明代以来的题咏石刻多处。