




1.二氧化碳分压 优化设计 ,减少干燥段的漏风热损失 1996 年干燥段二级旋风分离器 ( PO2 ) 到电收   [ 收稿日期 ] 2004 - 05 - 28 [ 作者简介 ] ...

4.结构性能二(2) 结构性能二(PO2 ):当结构物之位移达到降伏位移时。


1.PO2: Thank you. Just a minute.警察乙:谢谢。一会儿就好了。

2.PO2: Of course, it's on Hsinglung Road. You're going to have to find Roosevelt Road first.警察乙:当然啰,在兴隆路上。你要先找到罗斯福路。

3.Carotid body and aortic body: stimulated when PCO2 in blood increases, PO2 in blood decrease, H+ Concentration in blood increase.颈动脉体和主动脉体:感受血液中PCO2升高,PO2下降,H+浓度升高的刺激而兴奋。

4.PO2: It'll be on your right. You can't miss it.警察乙:它就在你的右手边。你一定会看到的。

5.PO2: Can I see your driver's pcense and bike registration, please?警察乙:能请你让我看看驾照和行照吗?

6.PO2: You aren't wearing a helmet, that's the problem.警察乙:你没有戴安全帽,这就是问题了。

7.PO2: Well, isn't that nice! Now can you sign here, please?警察乙:喔,挺好的嘛!现在可否请你在这签名?

8.PO2: Go east on Roosevelt Road. You'll pass Hsinsheng South Road and Keelung Road. Turn left when you get to Hsinglung Road.警察乙:罗斯福路往东走。你会经过新生南路和基隆路。到了兴隆路后左转。

9.PO2: Pardon? Are you a drug dealer or something?警察乙:你说什么?你是毒贩还是干嘛的?

10.Conclusion HBO can increase vitreous PO2 and storage of oxygen;结论高压氧有提高玻璃体氧分压,增加氧储备作用;