


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:春天集团;巴黎春天(Pinault Printemps Redoute);无规共聚聚丙烯




4.法国巴黎春天百货集团 法国安盟保险公司( Groupama) 巴黎春天集团( PPR) 埃森哲( Accenture) ...

6.投影寻踪回归(Projection Pursuit Regression)采用投影寻踪回归PPR)对重金属污染物进行源解 析,建立受体模型。 模型的建立 1 2 ( , , ) p x x x X 是P维变量, j x 为第j …


1.Price was the main sticking point during the talks, and PPR seems to have secured a good deal.在双方的谈判过程中,价格一直都是最重要的话题,而且PPR好像对拿下这笔交易很有信心。

2.If PPR were to challenge LVMH more directly, the result would be further tussles over the few remaining independent luxury-goods firms.要是PPR对LVMH进行直接挑战的话,硕果仅存的几家奢侈品公司之间的竞争本该更为激烈。

3.I have found a good supplier on Alibaba. com for one of my client who was looking for PPR pipes and they are still doing business together.我已经为我的一位客户找到了阿里巴巴上一家做PPR棺材的供应商,直到现在他们还在合作。

4.Mr Pinault will probably sell more of his retail businesses to pay off the debt PPR is about to raise to buy Puma.皮诺先生将可能卖掉一些零售业的业务来来筹集资金购买彪马公司。

5.Third, PPR may have disliked Ford's power within the old regime, but swinging to the opposite model is not necessarily the solution.第三,巴黎春天或许不喜欢福特先生在古奇旧体制下大权独揽,但是走向另一极端不一定就能解决问题。

6.This could herald PPR's transformation from a luxury-and-retail conglomerate into a pure luxury group.这预示着PPR由奢侈品和零售业集团向纯奢侈品业集团转型。

7."It is a good deal for PPR financially and in terms of strategy, " says Marc Festa, an analyst at Exane, a French broker.一家法国经纪商Exane的分析师MarcFesta说,“这笔交易在财政和经营战略上对PPR都有好处。”

8.Modification of various upper and lower water pipes, water and electricity, as well as PPR pipe one-stop service.改装各种上下水管,水电,以及PPR管等一条龙服务。

9.Standard &Poor's, a rating agency, said it was reviewing PPR's creditworthiness after the announcement of the Puma deal.信用评级机构标准普尔说,它们将在PPR集团宣布收购彪马后重新评估PPR的信用等级。

10.'Manufacturers aren't looking for great Class-A space, ' PPR's Mr. Affleck says. 'They are looking for something near the factory.PPR的阿弗莱克说,制造厂商想要的不是A级写字楼,他们想找的是离工厂近的地方。
