




1.布拉格(Prague) 伯明翰( BHX) 布拉格( PRG) 布里斯班( BNE) ...

2.程序文件(programfile) 1回答 10 请问,绒毛膜促性腺激素426.06。

4.Patient Reference GroupPATIENT REFERENCE GROUP (PRG) Each GP practice is being encouraged to have a PRG. Patients and practice staff will …

5.布拉格机场国际航班在布拉格机场PRG)的Terminal1落地起降。 捷克全境使用捷克克朗,要乘坐公交车进城,只能先在机场换汇,用于 …


1.For a few years now, RPG programmers have had the ability to invoke web services using C stubs emitted by the wsdl2ws. sh tool.最近几年,PRG程序员已经能够使用wsdl2ws.sh工具生成的C存根来调用Web服务。

2.'Based upon recent events, PGR has severed its relationship with Mr. Chu, ' the company said.声明说,根据近期发生的事件,PRG已经切断它与Chu的关系。

3.You can paste this code into a . PRG file and then build it to an . EXE.你可以将此代码粘贴到一个PRG文件,再编译为一个EXE文件。

4.In the new study they show that PRG-1 deficient mice develop very severe seizures due to changes in brain activity.在一项新研究中,他们认为缺乏PRG-1的大鼠由于大脑活动性的改变而导致很严重的癫痫发作。

5.A new keyword (HANDLER) can now be added to an existing RPG file specification.现在可以将一个新关键字(HANDLER)添加到现有PRG文件规范中。

6.This is due to a specific role of PRG-1 at the excitatory synapse on glutamatergic neurons.这是由于PRG-1基因在谷氨酸神经元兴奋性突触的特殊作用导致的。

7.PRG; Provisional Rules for Claims Procedures;索赔程序暂行规则;

8.PRG FLOW program flow error流量程序错误
