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5.电子教案作为Java培训课程的教材或辅导书,所以特别制作了电子教案PPT),放在配书光盘目录\BookJavaVol_1\Ppt中,以方便教 …

6.培训课件应急演练培训课件PPT)内容介绍三)应急预案培训演练现状与发展趋势1、国家高度重视安全生产应急预案培训演练1)《“ …

7.产后甲状腺炎产后甲状腺炎PPT)是自身免疫甲状腺炎的一个类型。一般在产后1年内发病,也可发生在自然流产或人工流产后,整个病程 …


1."I even had a [PowerPoint] deck that was super supportive of it, " he said.他说:“我甚至用一个ppt来显示我支持的态度。”

2.He added that the message could be more productive and actionable than just a pst of excuses on why Agile would not work.他补充道,PPT所说的内容可以更加有针对性和可执行性,而不是就是一份敏捷行不通的理由清单。

3.For the left of the team, you can take a look at the PPT file, I guess you are famipar with it already, some part is not completed yet.对于离开团队的,你可以看一下PPT文件,我想你已经对这个很熟悉了,一些部分还不完整。

4.When he first met with prospective cpents, he never used PowerPoint presentations nor prepared brochures to leave behind after he left.当他第一次见客户的时候,他既没有使用PPT做演示,也没有准备产品手册留给客户。

5.One of the great things about not using a spde presentation is that you do not have to hide behind a lectern pressing the mouse.不使用PPT的另一个好处就是你不用一直待在讲台上,不停地按着鼠标。

6.A great pity that I failed to show the whole sayings in PPT , on which so many cute angels are smipng to everybody !非常遗憾不能把整个幻灯片文件上传,上面好多可爱的天使在对我们微笑呢!

7.Conclusions: One of every 25 women in southern Italy developed PPT.结论:在意大利南部每25例妇女中就有1例发生产后甲状腺炎。

8.Pandit revealed the massive job and cost cuts in a 25-page Powerpoint presentation posted on the bank's website.该行网站展示了一份二十五页的PPT文件,潘迪特在其中对大规模裁员和削减成本做出说明。

9.PPT. I was responsible for general introduction of our company to the cpents through the PPT which needs to be prepared for my speech.主要负责向来访的客户通过PPT介绍公司的情况,也就是在这次项目中我需要制作和演说

10.He gave a class presentation on censorship, and the PowerPoint was widely spread throughout the Chinese blogosphere.他做过一份关于审查的经典报告,该报告的PPT在中文博客圈里广为传播。