




1.上帝距离迂回进攻任务的是英军第13军,军长是“惩罚者”戈特Gott)中将;辖有印度第4师(师长图克少将)和英军第7装甲师( …



1."Ach, mein Gott! It is good angels come to us! " said the poor woman, crying for joy.“哎呀,老天爷,善良的天使看我们来了!”那个可怜的女人欢喜得叫起来。

2.Epzabeth gave us a top floor bedroom with windows looking out on the two-mile-wide Gott Bay.伊丽莎白安排我们住进顶层的一间卧室,房间的窗朝向两英里(约3.2公里)宽的高特湾。

3.Gott! dis is not any place in which one so good as Miss Yohnsy shall pe sick.老天爷,琼西小姐这么好的姑娘真不应该躺在这种地方生病。

4.Hymnus an den heipgen Geist ( "Herr, under Gott! " ), for eight male voices chorus & wind instruments.来吧,赞美圣灵(耶和华是我们的上帝!),为八声部男声合唱队而和管乐器而作。

5.Gott owned a restaurant off campus. Berea threatened to expel students who ate at places not owned by the school.戈特拥有校园外的一个餐馆,伯里亚学院威胁要开除那些在非学校所属地点就餐的学生。

6.Du wahrer Mensch und Gott (Mozart, Leopold). Full Score. soprano solo, 2 horns in E, strings and basso continuo. Classical.你是一个真正的男人和神(莫扎特,利奥波德)。满分。女高音独唱,在E2,字符串和数字低音喇叭。古典。

7.For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in nineteen thirteen.多年以来,在诸如一九一三年戈特对伯里亚学院的诉讼案例中,美国法庭一直支持“代替父母”。

8.Und der Cherub steht vor Gott! And the cherub stands before God!更何况那天使正站在上帝之前!

9.Steht vor Gott! stands before God!站在上帝之前!

10.Good job shane. thats what we gott you here for.好的,巴蒂尔,这就是我们让你来这里的原因。