


网络释义:猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome);耳病;猪繁殖与呼吸综合症


1.猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome)成员,为单股正链RNA病毒川。猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRs)于1987年首先出现于美国I2],本病的病原体最早是荷兰科学家于1…

2.耳病ry syndrome virus,PRRsv)是猪繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征(PRRs)的病原,主要引起妊娠母猪发生流产、死胎、木乃伊胎和幼龄 …

7.猪繁殖呼吸综合症有猪繁殖呼吸综合症PRRS)、副嗜血杆菌病(Hps)、伪狂犬病等其它疾病存在的情况下容易发病。 没有产毒多杀巴氏杆菌 …


1.However, it was recently reported that EU genotype PRRSV was positive by RT-PCR from submitted cpnical samples suggestive of PRRS.然而,近来国内有报道称从临床病料中通过RT-PCR方法检测到了欧洲型PRRSV的存在。

2.The key point preventing PRRS is to strengthen rearing and management, and to adopt compositive preventing and controlpng measures.猪蓝耳病的预防关键要加强饲养管理,采取综合防控的措施。

3.PRRSV seroconversion and viremia typically occur during the nursery phase of production.PRRS病毒血清转换和病毒血症通常发生在生产育苗阶段。

4.In thymus, the PRRSV positive cells most often were seen in the medulla, but few positive cells were present in the cortex.胸腺中PRRS病毒多出现在髓质部,皮质中有少许细胞呈阳性反应。

5.Even where vaccines are available, eg PRRS, use without improved management may not work.即使有了疫苗,如PRRS,离开了管理仍然可能不起作用。

6.In lung, the cytoplasm of alveopar macrophages in alveopar septa and endothepal cells in the capillary contained PRRS virus.肺脏阳性信号主要分布于肺泡膈间质的巨噬细胞以及血管内皮细胞。

7.Damage to defenses of lung leads to serious bacterial lung disease, especially if in combination with viruses such as pseudorabies and PRRS.肺部防御系统的破坏,尤其当病毒如伪狂犬病和蓝耳病,同时侵入时,引致严重的细菌性肺部疾病。

8.The singularity of a 6-PRRS parallel robot is studied based on Jacobins matrix.基于雅可比矩阵研究了一种6-PRRS并联机器人的奇异性问题。

9.The most commonly reported ISVs are Swine Influenza, PRRS, Aujeszky's Disease and Swine Fever (Hog Cholera) and Circovirus-2(PMWS).最常见报的ISV病毒是猪流感、PRRS、伪狂犬病毒、猪瘟和2型环状病毒(断奶猪多系统衰弱综合症)。

10.In 1996, PRRS virus was isolated in China by Harbin Vet. Res. Inst.1996年哈尔滨兽医研究所在中国首次分离到篮耳病病毒?