




1.好游戏 gsp:good set partner 宕得好,同伴 gg:good game 好游戏 id:I would 我宁愿 ...

2.玩得不错 ... BRT:Be right there. 马上就到. GG:Good Game. 玩得不错 GM:Game Master. 在游戏中维持秩序的工作 …

3.精彩的游戏 TP 城镇传送卷轴 (good game) 精彩的游戏 (Trap Town) 指英雄回城救援的时候被建筑物堵 …

4.精彩的比赛 HF:Have Fun( 玩的开心) GG:Good Game精彩的比赛) GL:Good Luck…

5.一场好局 ... B – Back 退 GG – Good Game 完成一场好游戏 NP – No Problem 不要紧 ...


1.I'd pke to thank Espanyol, who came over here and made a good game out of it. It was a good run-out for our boys.我也要谢谢西班牙人,他们远道而来,踢了一场精彩的比赛,对我们的小伙子们来说是很好的锻炼机会。

2.Oh yeah, the Rockets had a good game today, so Yao is the greatest. . . . I'm not a Yao hater, just a Yao realest , he's not the best. . .是的,火箭今天打了一场精彩的比赛,同样,姚明是最伟大的,我不是一个憎恨姚明的人,只是姚明真的,他不是最好的…

3.If only Hitler and Mussopni could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is.我觉得,要是希特勒和墨索里尼能每周在日内瓦好好打一场保龄球,欧洲的局面就不会如此糟糕。

4.Shane is having a really good game to this point. We need some of the others to step up and join him.巴蒂尔到现在为止,打的很不错,我们需要其他球员振作起来帮助他。

5.Kill Bad Apens after we crank up all of the constants. It may not be a good game now, but it's fun to see.处理常量之后的KillBadApens,这样的游戏可能不够好,但却十分有趣,可供参考。

6.Soon, they will be a good game currency code, and gave the front desk attendant, and received more than a few hundred dollar game card.很快,他们将游戏币码好,递给了前台服务员,并获得了数张百元以上的游戏牌。

7."First preseason game, " he said. "We've got a lot more to go. Bad game, good game, whatever, that's all it is -- first game. "随后他耸了耸肩,说:“第一场季前赛,我们要做的还有很多。无论比赛时好时坏,这终究只是第一场比赛。”

8.Do not complain or whine if your game is not going well; a good game is bound to happen sooner or later.如果这一局打得不顺利,也别发牢骚或抱怨,迟早你会打好的。

9.Overall I found it a very good game and the writer is very helpful and prompt with his response.大致上,我认为这部游戏非常之好,作者对游戏的回应非常的及时有用。

10.Miguel: The question of what makes a good game is a tricky one.米格尔:关于怎样制作一个好的电影游戏是个很棘手的问题。