




1.纯真无垢 ... pure milk 纯牛奶; 纯牛奶 pure of heart 纯真无垢; 纯真无垢 pure silk 真丝; 真丝 ...

2.纯洁的心 ... 愤怒之灵( Protective Spirit) 纯洁之心( Pure of Heart) 坚定治疗者( Resolute Healer) ...

4.纯净之心 ... VI:Pure of Heart 纯净之心 ─ 当神盾恩赐被移除时产生少量的治疗。 Virtues 美德 ...

5.心之纯洁加到40码(PS:够LJ的)第四层无变化第五层新增心之纯洁PURE OF HEART) 0/3需要20点神圣天赋使你抵抗诅咒和疾 …


1.Will another phoenix , Fawkes himself , appear with his haunting song to bolster the pure of heart and weaken the dark forces even further?凤凰福克斯会不会唱着它奇妙的歌出现,给予那些纯洁的心以支持,同时进一步削弱黑暗势力?

2.To be "Pure of Heart" is to be pke a Child, playful and filled with "imagination" .要拥有「纯真之心」意味著要像赤子般的充满想像与嬉戏之心。

3.In my recent interview with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, he called Suzanne Spooner "pure of heart" and a hard worker for Spirit.在我最近通过琳达狄龙访问大天使麦克,他说苏珊斯普纳有“纯心”和勤奋的人的精神。

4.In verse, as it opens a poet love of pfe, it is pure of heart of her.在那娓娓道来的诗句中,满含了诗人对生活的热爱,是她冰清玉洁之心的再现。

5.Pure of Heart: This talent will no longer cause Curse of Agony to do more damage than intended.纯净心灵:这个天赋不再使得痛苦诅咒造成更多的伤害。

6.CATHOLIC theology says that heaven awaits the pure of heart while hell is reserved for unrepentant sinners.天主教理论认为天堂光顾心灵纯净的人,而地狱是为不忏悔的罪人准备的。

7.Blessed are the pure of heart (because your brains are switched off).被祝福的是心地纯洁的人(因为你的大脑被断电了)。

8.Beloved Ones, it is the "Pure of Heart" who can enter the Dream World.亲爱的,唯有「纯真之心」得以进入梦世界。