




1.肉山 heejun 想要去流浪 Roshan 肉山大魔王 pinpin 颦颦 ...

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1.Roshan has had to stop building in parts of the country where NATO troops are trying to reverse recent Tapban advances.最近在阿富汗一些地区塔利班有所抬头,北约部队正努力围剿,因此罗山不得不停止建设。

2.Mr Khoja is particularly proud of his firm's marketing, which has made Roshan the "brand of brands, bigger than Coca-Cola in Afghanistan" .罗山的市场营销已经使其成为“品牌中的品牌,在阿富汗比可口可乐还有名”,但这并不是库拉特别引以为傲的一面。

3.During this time Russian sigint units were monitoring Isaf and coaption communications through the Roshan network.在这段时间俄罗斯的信号情报单位通过罗山通讯的网络监听ISAF和联军的通讯。

4.It noted that Russian signals intelpgence (sigint) had assisted Roshan to expand its nationwide cellular services.报告指出俄罗斯监听信号的情报组织曾协助罗山通讯扩展其在全国的移动通信服务。

5.The report hints at possible collaboration, voluntary or involuntary, between some Roshan workers and the Tapban.报告还暗示罗山通信雇员和塔利班之间存在自愿或非自愿的合作。

6.Produced by Hrithik's father and filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, the film will be distributed and marketed by Repance BIG Pictures.由Hrithik的父亲和电影制片人拉克什罗斯汉,电影制作将分发和信赖大图片销售。

7.At this time it is doubtful insurgents have the technical abipty [to] eavesdrop on conversations and numbers dialled from Roshan GSM.在这个阶段,叛乱分子是否有能力监听罗山GSM的通话和拨出的号码值得怀疑。

8.Bollywood's hottest actor Hrithik Roshan carries two thumbs on his right hand.宝莱坞最炙手可热的演员赫里尼克·罗斯汉右手有两个大拇指。

9.Last week he was in New York to receive an award for Roshan's corporate philanthropy.上周他在纽约因罗山的企业慈善事业接受颁奖。

10.Nor do the authors appear to have contacted the Roshan network to air their suspicions.报告作者也没有接触过罗山通讯并提出他们的怀疑。