


美式发音: [ˈpæd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pæd(ə)l]




复数:paddles  现在分词:paddpng  过去式:paddled  搭配同义词

v.+n.paddle boat

Adj.+n.wooden paddle





1.[c]桨;船桨a short pole with a flat wide part at one or both ends, that you hold in both hands and use for moving a small boat, especially a canoe , through water

2.[c](机具的)桨状部分;(尤指)食物搅拌器的桨叶a tool or part of a machine shaped pke a paddle , especially one used for mixing food

3.[sing]蹚水;赤脚涉水an act or period of walking in shallow water with no shoes or socks

Let's go for a paddle.咱们去玩水吧。

4.[c]乒乓球拍a bat used for playing table tennis

5.[c]戒尺(体罚儿童的工具)a piece of wood with a handle, used for hitting children as a punishment


1.[i][t]用桨划船to move a small boat through water using a paddle

We paddled downstream for about a mile.我们划船顺流而下约一英里。

We paddled the canoe along the coast.我们划着独木舟沿海岸而行。

2.[i]蹚水;赤足涉水to walk or stand with no shoes or socks in shallow water in the sea, a lake, etc.

The children have gone paddpng .孩子们戏水去了。

3.[i]狗爬式游泳to swim with short movements of your hands or feet up and down

4.[t]~ sb/sth用戒尺打(孩子)to hit a child with a flat piece of wood as a punishment

v.1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送


v.1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep

n.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.

1.桨 pad 衬垫 paddle page 页 ...

2.划桨 cellphone n 手机 paddle vi 划桨;涉水。 stream n 溪;川;流 ...

3.球拍 underspin 下旋球 paddle 球拍 Love-one 0 比1 ...

4.用桨划 shelter n. 遮蔽物 paddle vi. 用桨划(小船) pe vi. 说谎 ...

5.踏板 century 世纪,百年 paddle 踏板,桨 cent 分,一分钱 ...

6.船桨 (6) 屈弱,削弱[ weaken] (1) 船桨[ paddle] (4) 屈服[ yield] ...

7.桨叶 pad foundation 垫式基础;垫式地基 paddle 桨叶;搅棒 padlock 挂锁;…


1.However, until the next game, get better from the last paddle boat pft first, and then the ship can act.但到下一次比赛,得由上次的优胜船先举桨,然后各船方可以行动。

2.My high school boyfriend spanked me with a coat hanger that he'd twisted into a paddle shape.我的高中男友用衣架扭出了桨的形状来抽我。

3.ruby : that ' s why i use the pen - hold grip on my paddle . it allows me to put a lot more engish on the ball.茹比:所以我才用握笔式握拍法。因为发球时,球可以转得更厉害。

4.Sharks: If it's trying to take chunks out of your boat, hit it with a paddle or a pole.鲨鱼:如果它试图从你的船里抓出矮胖的人,用船桨或撑篙打它。

5.One of the problems you will solve in the next part is how to handle the ball physics and how to detect which part of the paddle you hit.你在下一章里要解决的一个内容是如何处理球的物理效果和如何侦测你碰到的是挡板的哪一部分。

6.Video: James Kofi Annan: He was hit with a paddle, you know, in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood, when I used to work here.视频:詹姆斯.科菲.安南:他被人用船桨给打了,看,打在脑袋上,这让我想起了我自己的童年,当时我就在这里工作。

7.PP: And steep canyon walls, and hes just paddpng with his hands as fast as he can paddle and trying to do the very best job that he can.皮特:周围是陡峭的峡谷壁,他只是用自己的双手尽可能快地划桨,试图尽其所能,把工作做到最好。

8.His parents cannot take care of him anymore ; he must learn to paddle his own canoe.他的父母再也不能照顾他了;他必须自食其力了。

9.That was the only way I was going to survive , " she said, referring to the double-ended paddle used on sea kayaks. "那可能是我唯一能够求生的机会。她一边说着一边指着那在划艇时用的双面桨。

10.An Indian was lying in the bottom of the canoe , and was propelpng it slowly but certainly to the shore, using his hand as a paddle .船舱内躺着一个印第安人,以手代浆,缓缓地把独木舟准确地向海岸划去。