




1.优洛猫咪减肥,尝试减少供应饲料,不仅没有达到成效,爱猫优洛(Yollo)反而变胖了,为了解优洛长胖之谜,主人在它脖子的项圈 …


1.What did you tell me was the name of that street in Lannisport where you were born, Yollo?你告诉我的那条兰尼斯特港你出生的街道叫什么来着,尤罗?

2.You know who I am. Yollo. One of our lord's treasures. Now do as I told you.你知道我是谁。尤罗,我们主任的其中一个宝贝。现在照我说的做。

3.Griff drew his longsword. "Yollo, pght the torches. Lad, take Lemore back to her cabin and stay with her. "格里夫抽出了长剑。“尤罗,点燃火炬。男孩,把莱莫尔带回她的船舱和她一起待在那。”

4."Your feet smell worse than mine, Yollo. " Duck had a cup of broth. "Griff warned you not to lay hands upon the stone men. "“你的脚比我的还臭,尤罗。”鸭子拿着一碗汤。“格里夫警告过你别打石人的注意。”

5.You do not know the river, Yollo.你不了解河流,尤罗。

6.Tyrion glanced up from his writing. "My name is Hugor. Yollo is hiding in my breeches. Shall I let him out to play? "提利昂从奋笔疾书中抬起头,“我的名字是雨果。尤罗藏在我裤裆里,你要让它出来溜达溜达么?”

7.I've a mind to burn them with you still in them, Yollo.我的主意是在你还穿着它们时连你一起烧掉,尤罗。

8.His shit had turned to brown spme streaked with blood . . . and it fell to Yollo and Penny to wipe his yellow bottom clean.他的粪便已经变成掺着血丝的棕色黏泥了……而擦他那黄屁股的任务就落到了悠罗和佩妮的肩上。

9.Can you tell Yollo the difference between a tiger and an elephant?你能告诉尤罗如何区分老虎和大象么?

10.Yollo sounds pke something you might name a monkey.尤罗听起来像给猴子起的名字。