




1.纸月亮 PApAs FritAs 油炸马铃薯 Paper Moon 纸月亮合唱团 Pappa Bear 熊爸爸 ...

3.纸做的月亮 ... Plastic Night( 塑料似地夜晚) Paper Moon( 纸做的月亮) Still I Love You... 仍然爱你 ...

4.大老千与小鬼头 ... Panic room. 房不胜防 Paper moon. 大老千与小鬼头 Papillon. 巴比龙 ...

5.纸玉轮973年,只有十岁的奥尼尔跟 爸爸一路演出扮演了《纸玉轮》(paper moon),依附在片中的杰出扮演获患上奥斯卡最佳女副角奖, …

6.人细鬼大 ... Out Of The Unknown《 天外奇兵》 Paper Moon人细鬼大》 Partridge Family,The《 快乐家庭》 ...


1.I'm trying to get that across in my new script, so Paper Moon is still influencing me today.在我的新剧本里我一直试着去跨越到对面去,所以直到今天纸月亮仍让影响着我。

2.At age ten, Tatum O'Neal be-came the youngest Oscar winner in history for her per-formance in the film classic Paper Moon.黛登-奥尼尔10岁时,由于在经典电影《纸月亮》中的出色表演成为了奥斯卡有史以来最年轻的获奖者。

3.Bonnie and Clyde, Chinatown. . . I saw that one way too early. So Paper Moon wasn't the first adult film I'd seen.邦妮和克莱德、唐人街等等我看的很早,所以纸月亮并不是我看的第一个成人电影。

4.This is the situation in Paper Moon.这就是纸月亮的剧情。

5.It's only a paper moon Hanging over a cardboard sea这不过是硬纸板上画着幽暗的海

6.It's Omly A Paper Moon不过是一轮纸月亮