




1.普适计算 · Dynamic Systems Modepng( 动态系统建模) · Pervasive Computing( 普及运算学) ...

6.遍布式计算 ... 扰动理论 perturbation theory 遍布式计算 pervasive computing 悲观误差修剪 pessimistic error pruning ...


1.What seems to be lacking is a suitable abstraction for programming pervasive computing environments.看上去缺少的东西正好适合于编程普及运算环境。

2.This thesis is to use the general characteristics of pervasive computing, reapze the calculation of service.本论文就是利用普适计算的特性来满足煤矿通风解算需求。

3.Once a pervasive computing system can perceive the current context, it must have the means of using its perceptions effectively.如果有一天分布式计算机系统可以感知当前的环境,它必须要有办法有效地利用它的感知能力。

4.Embedded database(EDB) technology is one of the important steps for normal pervasive computing system.嵌入式数据库技术是整个普适计算系统正常工作中的重要一环。

5.The service- based approach defines pervasive computing as a ubiquitously available service environment .第三,我们的方法允许在无处不在的可用的服务环境中进行普及运算的增量开发。

6.Also, you can leverage WebSphere Portal's innate support of pervasive computing devices in the form of WML markup.而且,还可以在WML标记表单中利用WebSpherePortal对普及性计算设备的特有支持。

7.So, as the developing of the pervasive computing research, context-aware technology has become a hotspot.所以,随着普适计算相关研究的不断深入,上下文感知技术成为了普适计算技术中的研究热点。

8.This approach provides significant contributions to the pervasive computing environment.该方法为普及运算环境作出了很大的贡献。

9.Pervasive computing gives us tools to manage information easily. Information is the new currency of the global economy.普适计算给我们提供容易管理的信息工具,而信息是全球经济的新货币。

10.This approach can provide significant contributions to the pervasive computing environment.该方法能为普及运算环境作出重大的贡献。