




1.奈特 维克多·维克塞尔伯 格/ Viktor Vekselberg 菲尔·耐特/ Phil Knight 卡尔·伊坎/ Carl Icahn ...

3.菲尔·奈特 维克托-斐克塞伯格( Viktor Vekselberg) 菲尔-奈特( Phil Knight) 卡尔-伊坎( Carl Icahn) ...

4.长奈特 森姆华尔顿 Sam Walton 菲尔耐克 Phil Knight 无值 Out-Of-The-Money ...

6.菲我奈特prah Winfrey)、耐克公司(Nike)的菲我奈特Phil Knight),那此中最为闻名的或许是苹果公司(Apple)坏脾性的天才C…


1.Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that 'Business is war without bullets. '耐克公司创建者和CEO菲尔·耐特(PhilKnight)最常提及的一句话便是“商场如战场”。

2.Since 1985, Nike sales have jumped through the roof and Phil Knight (Nike's CEO) was not about to lose Mike that easily.自1985年以来,耐克公司的销售通过roof和增长了,但菲尔奈特(耐克公司首席执行官)不想这么轻易失去乔丹。

3.The main opponents were business people, led by Phil Knight, the chairman of Nike, the largest company based in Oregon.而主要的反对者则是由PhilKnight——俄勒冈州最大公司Nike的董事长——所领导的商人们。

4.Its famous 'Swoosh' is instantly recognisable, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle.耐克的著名标志“Swoosh”一经问世,迅速为世人所知,菲尔·耐特甚至把它纹在脚踝处。

5.Phil Knight had a dream and now the whole world knows his Nike Slogan "Just Do It" !菲尔爵士有梦想,他的耐克口号“说做就做”也深入民心。

6.'Swoosh' is instantly recognisable, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle.被人们识别出来,并且菲尔·耐特还把这个图形纹到了他的脚踝上。

7."Phil Knight was really sad, " Hatfield said of Nike's chairman.“菲尔奈特很难过的,”哈特菲尔德如此说耐克的总裁。

8.He didn't want to be CEO. He wanted to be Phil Knight, the student.他不想成为一个CEO,他想当菲利普•奈特,一名学生。

9.But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us all但是看到我看看内镜子和骑士都觉得菲尔骗了我们