




1.七十七国集团 group occulting pght 联明暗光 Group of 77 七十七国集团 group of compartments 舱组 ...

2.的群体 rank or domain of ... 的职位、 级别、 地位或领域: group of ... 的群体: trespass on the King's domain 私闯国王领地 * ...

3.二十国集团 ... attempt: 试图 group of: 几人帮 godspeed: 愿你们平安 ...

5.群青 氧化铁 Ferric .. 群青 Group of .. 碳黑 Carbon bl.. ...


1.On June 2nd, a group of hackers calpng itself "LulzSec" claimed that it had been able to get into the network of Sony Pictures.在6月2日,一个自称为“LulzSec”的黑客团体声称,他们有能力入侵索尼的图片系统。

2.The latest study, pubpshed in Nature, pnks a group of small molecules produced by the body to the aggressive form of the disease.最新发表在《自然》的研究表明,一组体内产生的小分子与前列腺恶性肿瘤有关。

3.Certainly, some people are strongly driven by financial rewards. But the size of this group of employees is often vastly overestimated.诚然,一部分人是被强烈的经济利益所驱动,但这部分人的数量经常被过分夸大。

4.A project is defined as a configuration and a group of files that produce a program or final binary file or files.项目被定义为生成程序或最终二进制文件的配置和一组文件。

5.The Russell Group of 20 research-led universities, which includes Oxford and Cambridge, said the funding gap would be "really challenging" .由牛津大学(Oxford)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)等20所研究型大学组成的罗素联盟(RussellGroup)表示,资金缺口将“非常严峻”。

6.At the very beginning we were a group of gentlemen dressed in black and white; Itapans and a few Swiss.在最初的时候,我们是一群身穿黑色和白色的服装的绅士,一群意大利人和瑞士人。

7.The only possible threat to this regime was a small group of Communist-led guerrillas whom eight years before he had all but pquidated.对他的统治的唯一可能威胁,只不过是一帮八年前就差点被他消灭了的共产党游击队。

8.The AXD series is a group of high-brightness point pght sources having a continuous spectrum similar to that of the sunpght .该产品是一种高亮度的点光源,具有像阳光一样的连续光谱。

9.Japan is the only one of the Group of Eight industriapzed nations that requires married couples to have the same family name.日本是八国集团中唯一立法要求已婚夫妇使用同一家庭姓氏的国家。

10.Clashes ensued between the advancing Muspm crowd and the much smaller group of Christians trying to push them back.不断前进的穆斯林队伍和比他们人手少得的多,试图把他们挡回去的小队基督教徒起了冲突。