


网络释义:大学(Pebble Hill University);越南;普吉岛水族馆


1.大学(Pebble Hill University) ... 美国 DOB 越南 PHU 阿尔及利亚 ALR ...

3.普吉岛水族馆 ... 竹子岛( Bamboo Island) 普吉岛水族馆( Phu 攀牙湾( Phang- ...

4.浮 ... pu 孵 phu bu 舞 ...

5.普赛尔大学美国派普赛尔大学 (PHU) 是一所全球性大学,其毕业生逾 3 万名,在很多国家设有分校。这所大学位于美国特拉华州,由国际 …


1.Q: Please update us on General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong's visit to China.问:请介绍越共中央总书记阮富仲访华的最新情况。

2.The case occurred in a 59-year-old farmer from Nong Bua Lam Phu Province in the north-eastern part of the country.该病例发生于该国东北部廊莫那浦府1名59岁农民。

3.The challenge we faced in 1954 was to convince the American people of the importance of Dien Bien Phu.1954年我们所面临的难题是让美国人民真正认识到奠边府的重要性。

4.The third death occurred on 27 January in a man in his 30's from the northern province of Phu Tho.第三起死亡发生在1月27日,死者是来自北部富寿省的一名30多岁男性。

5.After the fall of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu in 1954, it was partitioned into North Vietnam and South Vietnam.在1954年奠边府战役中法国驻军崩溃后,它被分割成北越和南越两部分。

6.Prayer Dafa will host over by Sang Phu or Karma Lama as a faction.祈愿大法会的主持人改由桑浦寺或噶玛派的喇嘛担任。

7.Valley of Death: The Tragedy at Dien Bien Phu That Led America into the Vietnam War. By Ted Morgan.《死亡谷:把美国拖进越战的奠边府悲剧》,泰德•摩根。

8.Dien Bien Phu became a symbol of multiple import. It signalled the end of French colonial rule in Asia.奠边府成为了多重含义的象征,标志着法国殖民统治在亚洲的终结。

9.The Phu Thays in Jinlong, with a population of 17, 000, inhabit Jinlong Town along the Sino-Vietnam border.金龙布傣人是个17,000多人口的群体,聚居于中越边境线中方一侧的金龙镇。

10.For just under two months Dien Bien Phu was cut off.仅仅两个月,奠边府被团团围住。