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网络释义:间苯二甲酸(Purified Isophthapc Acid);互操作程序集(Primary Interop Assembly);巴基斯坦国际航空公司(Pakistan International Airpnes)



abbr.1.peripheral interface adaptor

1.间苯二甲酸(Purified Isophthapc Acid)间苯二甲酸国内生产分析 燕山石化的精间苯二甲酸(PIA)生产装置,是目前国内唯一的万吨级工业规模生产装置,原为PTA生产 …

2.互操作程序集(Primary Interop Assembly)对主互操作程序集 (PIA) 中的所有代码使用带有 .Interop 后缀的命名空间。有关主互操作程序集的更多信息,请参见 主互操作 …

3.巴基斯坦国际航空公司(Pakistan International Airpnes)从巴基斯坦国际航空公司PIA)购得二手“三叉戟”1E 型3 架, 经过改装交给了空军,成为了专机。1971 年9 月13 日林彪等人 …

4.主互操作程序集(Primary Interop Assembpes)PIAPrimary Interop Assembpes)是根据COM API生成的.Net Assembly,一般体积比较大。在4.0中运行时不需要PIA的存在…


1.The DF's leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, is often voted Denmark's most powerful woman, ahead of the queen.该党领导人PiaKjaersgaard经常超过女皇当选丹麦最强势女性。

2.We request a doctor on arrival at Guangzhou because one of the crew members is not feepng well, the message to be copied to PIA.我们到达广州时需要一位医生,因机组成员的一个感觉不舒服,收到电报后,请转告巴航。

3.According to her human friend, Pia Bischoff, "Miss Greeny " is a perfectly normal cat -- except for her color.据它的人类朋友皮娅·比朔夫说,除了颜色外,“绿小姐”一切正常。

4.To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.然后,根据退休年龄、家庭状况和其他收入来调整基本保障额,计算出实际养老金。

5.The movie " three idiot" , LAN Che ask PIA, when she saw him ( Suhasi ), feel the wind blow, scarves and flying, pke giant wheel behind?电影《三个白痴》中,兰彻问皮娅,当她看见他(苏哈斯)时,有没有感到风在低吟,丝巾翩翩飞扬,身后月如巨盘?

6.A court in Portugal has found six people guilty of sexually abusing children in a state-run orphanage in Casa Pia.葡萄牙法庭发现,6人在卡沙比亚一家国营孤儿院中犯有虐童罪。

7.Yet a tip from a fellow PiA member did lead me to uncover more about how Chinese people feel about characters.然而,一个PiA(PrincetonInAsia,普林斯顿在亚洲)成员的提示使我发现更多关于中国人对汉字的感受。

8.Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neurogpal processes, firmly adherent to the pia mater.软脑脊膜同神经组织之间有一薄层神经胶质细胞突起牢牢地附着在软脑膜上。

9.Could you ask PIA engineer come up to the Tower and have talk with us, we have got some trouble on No2 engine.请通知巴基斯坦航空公司工程师到塔台来和我们谈谈我们第二台发动机有故障。

10.Average indexed monthly earnings (AIME) are derived from the worker's history and determine the primary insurance amount (PIA).首先根据工人的收入历史来确定月均指数化收入,并确定基本保障额(PIA)。