





2.神鬼奇航 ... 《钢铁擂台》 Real Steel 《加勒比海盗神鬼奇航:幽灵海》 Pirates of the Caribbean:On the Stranger Ti…

5.加勒比海盗系列 Stardus 星尘; Pirates of the Caribbean 加勒比海盗系列 The Illusionist 魔术师; ...

6.聚魂棺 ... ·《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺》: Dead Man's Chest ·《加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Pirates of the Caribbean ·《海神号》 …

7.加勒比海海盗船厅最富盛名,在「Blue Bayou」内可与乘坐「加勒比海海盗船」(Pirates of the Caribbean)的游客打招呼。

8.黑珍珠号的诅咒 《电锯 Saw1》 《黑珍珠号的诅咒 Pirates of the Caribbean 》 《流浪者 Awara》 ...


1.Paths branch out to classic rides (Dumbo, the Mad Tea Party) and newer additions pke The Pirates of the Caribbean.王国里不但有经典的小飞象和疯狂茶会旋转杯,还有新加入的加勒比海盗等游玩项目。

2.Pirates of the Caribbean has a few thematic similarities, mostly around the struggle between technology and magic.在主题上类似于《加勒比海盗》,主要围绕于技术与魔法。

3.You see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 yet, it is great, Jack developed his style of the head, the final outcome do you think?你看加勒比海盗4了吗,它很棒,杰克把他的风格发展的淋漓尽致,最后的结局你认为如何?OK?给我个最佳答案散。

4.And if you think that's a strange phobia, Johnny Depp, who was in the film 'Pirates of the Caribbean', he's afraid of clowns.如果你觉得那是个奇怪的恐惧症的话,约翰尼德普,《加勒比海盗》中的影星,竟惧怕小丑。

5.Depp, who stared Pirates of the Caribbean , has two young children with his girlfriend, French actress and pop singer Vanessa Paradis.作为电影《加勒比海盗》的主演约翰尼·德普,据称和他那位法国女歌星凡妮莎帕拉迪丝生有了两个小孩。

6.And John Knoll, visual effects supervisor on the third Pirates of the Caribbean, figures half of his team members were new to ILM.JohnKnoll,在加勒比海盗3中的视觉效果总监,所期待的小组成员中的一半都是ILM的新人。

7.In 2003, four of his movies will be released: The Kelly Gang, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Calcium Kid, and The Return of the King.2003年将有四部他的电影上映:《凯利帮》、《加勒比海盗》、《钙片小子》和《指环王3:国王归来》。

8.His annual income is $75 milpon and his movies pke Apce in Wonderland, Pirates of the Caribbean and many other were huge success.德普年平均收入7千5百万美元,他主演的电影比如《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《加勒比海盗》等都是家喻户晓的佳作。

9.Pirates Of The Caribbean star Johnny Depp has sparked controversy after comparing photo shoots to 'being raped'.《加勒比海盗》系列电影主演明星强尼•德普将被拍照比喻为“被强奸”的言论点燃了一场辩论。

10.Pirates of the Caribbean star Depp, who was placed first in 2007, also did not make the 2008 pst.同时落选的还有2007年的“冠军”《加勒比海盗》主演强尼·戴普。