




1.计划做某事 对某人充满信心 have confidence in sb 计划做某事 plan to do sth 快来 come on ...

2.打算做 ... do what / everything sb. can to do 尽某人全力做… intend / plan to do 打算做… such … that … 如此… 以至于… ...

3.计划干某事 on Sunday 在星期天 plan to do sth. 计划干某事 plan sth. 计划,安排··· 149. ...

4.打算做某事 plan out 做出计划; plan to do sth. 打算做某事 operative adj. 工作的,作业的,手术的 ...

5.计划去做某事 plan sth. 计划某事 44. plan to do sth. 计划去做某事 45. keep a diary 记日记 46. ...

6.计划作某事 come back 回来 plan to do sth. 计划作某事 two hours later 两小时以后 ...


1.are generating bilpons of data points about all their users, and you may wonder, "What do they plan to do with all that information? "这样的公司都在生成有关其所有用户的数十亿的数据点,您不禁疑惑,“它们要所有这些信息干什么?”

2.Abed Rabu said the most important thing for the Palestinians is to see what the United States and Israel plan to do.拉布说,对巴勒斯坦人而言,最重要的是看到美国和以色列将计划做什么。

3.And I plan to do exactly that, I am ready to do things differently, I can give and share.我计划精确的去做到,我也准备好做到那些困难,我可以给大家分享一下。

4.Oh, sure, but just let me tell you what I plan to do if he asks me again.好吧,那让我告诉你,如果他再问我,我打算和他说些什么。

5.After defining on an individual basis, ready to make a reasonable schedules, and then cpck on your plan to do.确定好之后在个人能力上做好充分的准备,给自己做一张合理的时间表,然后按你的计划去做。

6.How much testing do we plan to do and how much of that have we done?我们计划进行多少测试,以及我们已经做了多少?

7.Some angels, especially those with technology backgrounds, may be satisfied with a demo and a verbal description of what you plan to do.有些天使投资者,尤其是那些有技术背景的人,可能会只凭一个测试版的软件或者一次口头说明就相信你的创业计划。

8.Within a few days the goals had settled into a plan to do something and a fair idea of what it would be.几天之内目标就设定进了计划,还有一些它应该是什么的构思。

9.Warm up with a couple of the first exercises that you plan to do for your strength training workout, just use less weight.首先做一系列准备热身运动已达到为后来的力量运动做准备,此仅消耗少量的体重。

10.In conclusion, it is possible for a mere teenager to bring about changes in the world around us - and I plan to do so.总之,即使是一名青少年亦有可能带给我们周遭的世界一些影响我打算这么做。