




1.玩钢琴  中国人说“弹钢琴”,洋人说“玩钢琴Play-piano)。   许多年来,我都不懂,为什么说“玩”?


1.Not long after that, at the age of seven, he began to play piano himself.此事过后不久,7岁的他就开始弹钢琴。

2.his wife , who had been a soprano , still taught young children to play piano at low terms.他的妻子过去是女高音,眼下做孩子们的钢琴教师,挣点菲薄的收入。

3.I can play piano, but I'm not very good at it.我会弹钢琴,但是不很在行。

4.I can hardly play piano now. The 5 years of piano lessons have all gone down the drain.我现在都不会弹琴了。5年的钢琴课都白费了。

5.Did you know although Michael can't sight read, he's learned to play piano by ear.你知道尽管迈克尔先生不用看东西来学习,他用耳朵来学习弹钢琴。

6.If you had a six foot arm, it would be hard to play piano.如果你有一个六尺长的臂,弹钢琴很难。

7.From Guangzhou, studying flute professionally, pke to psten classic music, play piano.来自广州,专业学习长笛,喜欢欣赏古典音乐,弹钢琴。

8.I was wandering in the next month, it is not put love shattered as strands of care, to play piano, continuous love sickness infinite.我在月下徘徊,把那段放不下的爱恋揉碎为缕缕牵挂,素手抚琴,弹一曲绵绵相思无尽。

9.piano teacher: actually your hands is one of the most suitable type to play piano.钢琴老师:其实你的手是我见过最适合弹钢琴的。

10.She began to play piano after finishing her homework.做完作业后,她开始弹钢琴。