




1.极地涡旋 Polar Platform 极地空间平台 polar vortex 极地涡旋;极涡 pollen analysis 花粉分析 ...

3.极地涡漩俄罗斯军方科学家们越来越关注在 3 月中开始,由於北极地带极地涡旋Polar Vortex)变弱,令北极振荡指数(Arctic Oscill…

7.极地漩涡 东北季候风 Northeast Monsoon 极地冷涡 Polar Vortex 辐射冷却 Radiation Coopng ...


1.The polar vortex coefficients represent the degree of resemblance of real height fields to the corresponding tropical fields.每一个极涡系数就表示实际高度场与相应典型场的相似程度。

2.We define the projections of monthly mean height fields for individual years on these eigenvectors as polar vortex coefficients.将具体某年某月的实际高度场在这组特征向量上的投影定义为极涡系数。

3.In addition, the relationships between polar vortex and planetary waves were analyzed by using E-P flux.并用E-P通量分析了平流层极涡异常与行星波活动的关系;

4.Extreme cold air outbreaks over the United States, the polar vortex, and the large-scale circulation美国上空的极端冷空气爆发、极涡和大尺度环流

5.Stratosphere-troposphere evolution during polar vortex intensification极涡加强期间的平流层—对流层演变

6.Chemical observations of a polar vortex intrusion极涡侵入的化学观测值

7.Development of tracer relations and chemical ozone loss during the setup phase of the polar vortex极涡组织阶段期间示踪关系和化学臭氧损失的演变

8.Generation of low particle numbers at the edge of the polar vortex极地涡旋边缘低粒子数的产生

9.Variational Analysis of Arctic Oscillation and Polar Vortex in Winter冬季北极涛动与极涡的变化分析

10.Polar vortex controls couppng of North Atlantic Ocean and atmosphere北大西洋极地涡旋控制耦合与大气