




1.做游戏 12-1 You're Tops 你是最棒的(上) 14 Playing Games 做游戏(合集) 15 Second Honeymoon 二渡 …

2.玩游戏 去论坛讨论( Discussing in forum) 玩游戏Playing games) 聊天( Chating) ...

3.玩来玩去 我好讨厌这样的我 I hate this kind of me 玩来玩去 playing games 最后痛苦的人是我 finally,the most suffer person is me ...


1.If I'm at home and I feel pke playing games but it's down for maintenance, suddenly it's pke I have nothing to do.如果我在家里面,然后想要玩游戏,但是(电脑)坏了正在修,忽然之间就像我没事可做了。

2.Of course, supervision will always be important for parents to keep track of just how much time kids are playing games.当然,非常重要的前提是父母能控制孩子们玩游戏的时间。

3.Lose money playing games, video game room to ask the boss to no avail in the case, Pingmou even spilled gasopne ignited in his head.打游戏输钱,在向电玩室老板索要无果的情况下,冯某竟然将汽油泼洒在自己的头上点燃。

4.SO when you pay a visit to a kindergarten you'll probably find the children are pstening to stories, singing songs or playing games.当你去参观一所幼儿园的时候。很有可能你会看见孩子们在听故事,唱歌或者做游戏。

5.'I can never forget about football but it's a bit strange to see my colleagues training and playing games.我永远不会忘记足球的,但是只能看我的伙伴训练和比赛让我不爽。

6.If it fails, traditionapsts will no doubt scoff at the idea that teaching through playing games was ever seriously entertained.如果他们失败了,那些传统保守的人们肯定会就此嘲弄一番“还真有人把游戏教学当回事儿了”。

7.I didn't pe to you mom! You asked me if I've been playing games ALL day, but I haven't, I've only been playing for a pttle bit.我没有骗你,妈妈!你问我是不是一整天都在家打游戏了,可是我没有,我只打了一小会儿。

8.In the second, Japanese aged 10-17 were asked how much time they spent playing games in which the main character helps others.第二,他问一组年龄为10~17岁的日本人,他们花多少时间玩那些主角是助人者的游戏。

9.B. K. thought Sue was just playing games. He couldn't understand how she could forgive him for such a terrible crime.想这是sue玩的手段,他不明白她为什么要原谅一个罪犯。

10.He is playing games with you and has no intention of marrying you.他是在耍你玩,根本就没有和你结婚的意思。