




1.请跟我来 That's all right 没关系 Please follow me 请跟我来 Thank you 谢谢 ...

2.请跟我学 It’s your turn. 轮到你了。 Please follow me. 请跟我学。 Lounder,please. 请大声点。 ...

3.请跟我做 ... 176. No pushing. 不要推。 177. Please follow me. 请跟我做。 170. Attention,please! 立正…

4.请跟我走 ... →这边请。 This way,please. →请跟我走Please follow me. →您的包厢在3楼。 It’s on the third floor. ...

5.请跟着我走 ... Please you to be ready to begin the interview 请你们做好准备,马上就要开始面试了 Please follow me 请跟着我走 ...

6.请随我来 Please go ahead of me. 您先请! Please follow me. 请随我来! Take your time. There is no hurry. 不着急,请慢慢来! ...

7.随我远行吧 你的娇躯轻轻一颤 your depcate and charming body 随我远行吧 Please follow me ...


1.He interrupted again. "Sir, once more, I'm truly sorry. I had no idea you were out here waiting. Please follow me. "他又打断了我。“先生,再说一次,真的很对不起。我真的不知道你在这里等着。请跟我来。”

2.There's something wrong about it. Please follow me to the office and stay a while for confirmation.您的护照有点问题,请您跟我到办公室,我们需要核实一下,请稍等。

3.Tom: Certainly. Please follow me. I'll introduce you to one of our tailoring clerks.汤姆:好的,请跟我来。我介绍一名裁缝给你。

4.C: He's waiting for you. I'll show you to his office. Please follow me.请稍等,我带您到他的办公室,请随我来。

5.Would you please follow me to a special place to put?请你们跟我来,把它们放在一个专门的地方。

6.Please follow me to my office to have your passport further verified .请您跟我到办公室,您的护照需要作进一步的技术鉴定。

7.Your wound should be sutured. Please follow me to the treatment room.您的外伤需要缝合,请跟我到治疗室来。

8.I'll show you to his office. Please follow me.我带您到他的办公室去。请跟我来。

9.I'm glad to do a leader. Please follow me, I will get to the ZhongGuanCun with you.很高兴成为你的引路人,请跟我来,我将和你一体去中关村,你是第一次来北京吗?

10.Please follow me, and I will take you to his office.请跟我来。我带您去他的办公室。